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British Secret Service Agent Reynolds halted in front of two sentries from the Coldstream Guardians that were posted in front of the door, while pulling his wallet from his jacket pocket. To grant access to the conference room where the Prime Minister was staying, he was required to flash them his credentials.

Each Guard turned their backs to the opposite side of the hall, and took a step backwards. Agent Reynolds pushed the door open and went in. Looking straight ahead, he found the Lieutenant general standing across the room with his back to him, and the Prime Minister seated in a chair with his sharp—features intense. His clear blue eyes were furious. He watched the Prime Minister get up and whisper something to the Lieutenant general.

Great! He thought, Now, I'm privy to Government secrets.

"...It may be impossible to repair all the damages that I did to this government, but I want to at least try my best to fix a part of it." He paused. "We need to go public. Let Jessica

Cardelini and Richard Maxwell's profiles be displayed on billboards in London, and across the Country. Let them be seen on wanted posters and on television screens."

The Lieutenant general wrote something down on his notebook, and raised his eyebrows.

"Muster up your courage. Whatever decision you'll make by the end of the day; it is going to have a tremendous impact about the future of this Country."

Is this him being sarcastic? The Prime Minister wondered.

The Prime Minister nodded, and shot a glance at Agent Reynolds standing by the door. The Agent had an earpiece, with a coil wire running behind his left ear.

"Sir, there has been a development."

The Lieutenant general turned around and waited for him to continue. The Prime Minister also stood silent.

"Sir, your Secretary has been pronounced dead."

Not shit! The Prime Minister thought, she was shot to the head by a sniper.

"The Sniper felt no remorse in pulling the trigger. Very well premeditated. We went through the Crime Scene step by step. The Sniper had excellent Marksmanship. First rate. Give or take, his window of opportunity was minimum. We are talking about a gap of approximately three seconds."

The Lieutenant general scuffed and Agent Reynolds continued speaking by using his thick British accent.

"The Agents that were in charge of security the perimeter didn't see a muzzle flash and didn't hear the weapon being fired. Chances were, it had a flash suppressor screwed to the barrel."

As the Prime Minister listened to the Agent, explanations raced through his mind.

I need to speak to the Country.

However, how am I going to explain this to the United Kingdom?

He remembered what his Deputy Prime Minister told him earlier: 'I've learned from my Father that when all else fails, tell the truth.'

He drifted off into a reverie, and then shook his head. Looking up, he returned his attention to the Agent and asked.

"How is Lucia, is she safe?"

"Sir, there is a squad van watching over your house." Agent Reynolds continued. "All six Agents assigned to your wife are in high alert. The Sniper team is engaged at the surrounding building by your safe house—" He heard an undistinguishable chatter. Someone was speaking on his earpiece. He stopped talking and listened intently while touching his left ear.

Once the other Agent finished relaying the message, Agent Reynolds returned his attention to the Prime Minister and to the Lieutenant general.

"I've just received an update report from Fox downstairs. London Police Department Downtown contacted him. Something major has just occurred at Trafalgar Square." He said animatedly.

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