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The Lieutenant general from Winterfield turned to the Deputy Prime Minister and continued talking about how the Pocket-Sized Automatic Crypto Equipment worked.

"Francisco Cardelini almost discovered the location of Winterfield Headquarter. He had the microchip, but didn't have the Pocket-Sized Automatic Crypto Equipment. Richard's Mother on the other hand had the Pocket-Sized Automatic Crypto Equipment but didn't have the microchip. Actually, the night that Richard Maxwell gave it to her, she was eliminated."

"Assuming that Francisco Cardelini and Richard Maxwell had one purpose, which was to completely eliminate Winterfield, Why can't you simply use a regular computer to access the information inside this microchip?"

"If you were to use any electronic device besides the Pocket-Sized Automatic Crypto Equipment to access the content inside this microchip, you would find that this microchip contained several folders. These folders would not

make any sense to you unless you use this device. You would see things like 'Untitled' or 'Matrix' or you would read documents, with random symbols. All the access codes to high secrets areas that the British Government uses are here. This device is highly used by the British Navy."

"What the Winterfield Director did, was split the code in half. That way it would take 'longer' for an allegedly thief get information on this microchip."

One of the British Secret Service Agents opened the door and said.

"Sir, Permission to speak sir."

The Lieutenant general and the Deputy Prime Minister looked at the Agent.

"Permission granted." The Deputy Prime Minister furrowed his brows.

"The London Police allied with a group of four Agents from INTERPOL this afternoon on a mission to relocate Jessica Cardelini and Richard Maxwell. I have just received the latest update. The mission was a success. Richard Maxwell has finally been apprehended. The nightmare is over."

The Deputy Prime Minister looked down at his hands. "Well then..."

Before looking up, only one person conjured his thoughts.

Without Richard Maxwell, is Jessica going to be ok?

Is she going to be safe?

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