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Richard's eyes followed the BBC World News van as it rounded a bend in the road, briefly before returning his attention back to Trafalgar Square. Adrenaline was pounding in his veins. He observed a crowd of onlookers gathering by the pedestal of the statue. Others were jogging away while holding their hands to their mouths.

The driver of a black Audi turned at the end of the road and accelerated towards him. The driver was leaning on the horn. He watched Richard rush across the square and disappear in the crowd. Beams of sunlight shone down brightly on the statue of Nelson Horatio. White smoke escaped from a chimney of a building across the square.

Richard forced his way through the crowd. He suddenly stopped and looked at the woman lying by the pedestal. She was lying on her left side, facing down. There was a pool of blood under her body. She had a wild mane of curly black hair. She wore slim jeans, and a short-cropped blue jeans jacket.

The paramedics arrived; two men crouched by her and carefully turned her over. Her jacket dapped over her right arm and blood poured from her right lung, as if there was a spout there.

Richard doubted she was alive. His heartbeat quickened again, he furrowed his brows and as if in slow motion, he started walking towards her body while following the imaginary boundary line in front of the crowd. He tried to recognize her by looking at her face. She was strikingly gorgeous and was probably still in her forties.

One of the paramedics pushed the left side of her jacket aside, and was about to use a stethoscope to listen to her heart. What Richard saw made him sway. The woman was wearing a beige polo shirt that had the BBC World news seal stitched in red and white under her left collar.

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