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The Lieutenant general of Winterfield gave him the wooden box and stared at him silently, not knowing how to proceed.

In case of a Revolution break the glass...

"At least we are past the fifth of November."

"If we don't act fast, something much greater than what was attempted on the fifth of November will occur, and everything will turn into chaos. We will not be able to contain such a turmoil. People will start to panic, and-"

The Deputy Prime Minister glanced up at the Lieutenant general and suggested.

"Why don't we start from scratch?"

There was a few seconds of silence and the Lieutenant general stuck his hands in his pants pockets.

"Are you referring to Operation White Diamond?" He finally asked.

"I am referring to everything. Why not we start everything from point zero. However, this time we make the

right decisions. We eliminate the clandestine Operation White

Diamond, and we restore the foundation of this Government."

"It's too late for that!" The Lieutenant general turned around and walked behind the leather chair. He raised his voice and interrupted the Deputy Prime Minister. "A catastrophic war would start within the Country. How would people accept that they had been living a lie for over two decades? They would literary destroy everything. Tear everything apart. Operation White Diamond is top secret classified. The folder is to be read with eyes only. Let us keep it that way!"

"If we go public we will blame the Prime Minister. He is dead anyways."


"Look where Operation White Diamond took us? Look what the Prime Minister did with the Monarchy money? You know exactly what he did. He spent it with himself. With self- comfort, power, greed. What did he get in return? A wooden box that will fit his rotting body." The Deputy Prime Minister got up from his chair and faced the Lieutenant general. He had his back to him. "Meanwhile, our educational system is gradually deteriorating through the lack of opportunity. I cannot understand the way the education system has been allowed to rot. Why don't we invest this Monarchy money into our education? Look where we are globally in terms of education? One of the poorest Country in Europe has left us behind."

The Lieutenant general faced the Deputy Prime Minister and took one of his hands out of his pants pockets. He had something small in the palm of his hands.

"You want to start from scratch?" The Lieutenant general said. "We need to start by destroying this. Let's not go public with Operation White Diamond, for we would make a fool of ourselves, but let's start a clean sleight."

"What is that you are holding?"

"This is a biochip." The Lieutenant general then opened his suitcase. "In 1997, we implanted this biochip in the Winterfield Directors that participated in Operation White Diamond. They were injected in their right hand. I believed that one of the Directors preferred on his forehead. What was the purpose of this biochip? It contained everything that particular individual had. Driver license, bank account, medical history, military background, Winterfield database clearance. Every detail of Operation White Diamond is stored here."

"You mean, you tried coming up with the mark of the beast?"

"Well, symbolic speaking if you calculate the minutes into seconds that the Switchboard Operative took to give the 'go codes' for Operation White Diamond it was exactly six hundred and sixty six seconds."


"This particular biochip belonged to Scott Williams, the ex-Director found with an exit wound in the back of his neck. It was taken from his right hand. We immediately realized that we had to abort and evacuate the Winterfield Headquarters when we found him assassinated. We were afraid that our location had been compromised. We were in Linlithgow. But it turned out to be a false alarm. However, this biochip resurfaces after twenty three years inside of a Lincoln Memorial Medallion in Washington D.C. We then discovered that it was the Winterfield Asset Francisco Cardelini who had it all along. We came to this conclusion because it was our primary target who found it. She gave it to the Winterfield Asset Richard Maxwell, who then passed it to his Mother, whom then was assassinated by the Winterfield Asset Gabriel here in London. Finally it landed back into our hands."

The creation returns to the creator!

He opened his suitcase and looked down. "There is a secret to Operation White Diamond that you will only discover if you have this device. It's a device used in the British Navy." He grabbed the portable device from the suitcase. "First you will need this biochip. Then, you insert the biochip into an attachment that is in a format of a microchip. Then, you get the microchip and insert into this device." He held the device up to show the Deputy Prime Minister what it was. The object was the size of a smart phone.

"What is that thing?" The Deputy Prime Minister furrowed his eyebrows in curiosity.

"It's a Pocket-Sized Automatic Crypto Equipment."

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