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The vehicle was a large BMW with heavily tinted glass. Richard glanced through the windshield and observed that they were heading on the south bound traffic on Belvedere Road. The trees from Jubilee Gardens started appearing ahead on their right.

The Agent that was seated on the passenger seat turned around and faced Jessica. He flashed his credentials identifying him as a supervisory special Agent of the British Secret Service.

"Agent Reynolds."

Jessica and Richard just stared at him. The vehicle was so quiet that the only sound they heard was the hum coming from the engine.

He noticed that Jessica was wearing the standard National Crime Agency uniform. White button down shirt, and a black windbreaker that bore three big white N.C.A letters next to a Royal Crown. She also had on a black hat with white checkered boxes on the trim. He read the name etched in a breastplate: Watson.


Agent Reynolds continued. "Ma'am, would it offend you if I called you 'My Majesty'?"

Jessica remembered how Richard had said my Majesty to her earlier today.

"Not at all Sir, but I prefer Jessica."

"Jessica it is then." He glanced at the driver of the Land Rover.

Jessica noticed that Richard was looking at her the whole time. Richard quickly gestured with his finger across his lips for Jessica to say nothing important in the presence of Agent Reynolds.

Realizing that Agent Reynolds definitely didn't have a Middle Eastern accent, Richard asked with furrowed brows. "Who did I speak with over the phone?"

"It was Agent Nagi. He asked us to come get you."

"I never asked for help."

You didn't look that comfortable back there.

The London Police was after you...

They booted your car...

You should be actually thanking me for arriving just in time!

Agent Reynolds shrugged and shook his head. "Agent Nagi was very close friends with your Mother. Maybe he felt empathy."

"And where is this Agent Nagi staying at?"

"We are very close from arriving at our destination." Agent Reynolds brought up a pack of gum and waved it to Richard and Jessica.

"Chewing gum?"

"Sure." Jessica reached for one.

"No thank you." Richard waved.

Jessica started unwrapping the chewing gum and Agent

Reynolds smiled.

"Fish flavored gum with spices and herbs."

Richard let his tongue out in disgust.

"Trash flavor."

The Bitter Truthजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें