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Agent Reynolds opened the door to the room where Richard and Jessica were staying and said.

"Agent Nagi, I was recently informed that the Prime Minister's Wife is preparing to leave her premises. We have approximately fifteen minutes."

Agent Nagi and Agent Taylor got up from their seats.

"Then we must leave now." Agent Nagi said. "We don't have much time."

Richard raised his hands to stop them.

"Before we go, can you guys help me?"

He placed his hands on his hips, while glancing at Agent Reynolds standing near the door.

"What do you need?" Agent Reynolds asked.

Richard looked at Jessica, then at everyone else in the room.

"I am about to expose myself. We are going to enter our 'enemy' territory, and I am not sure if they are going to recognize me or not."

Agent Nagi and Agent Taylor glanced at each other thoughtfully.

Good observation.

The Prime Minister's residence has four British Secret Service Agents doing surveillance twenty four hours a day.

"Richard, honey." Jessica placed her right hand on his left shoulder. "We don't have to go."

"All I am saying is that I started feeling something inside of me, that I wasn't feeling before. This feeling is of something bad, like something bad is going to happen."

"Come on, for Christ sakes! We are losing time. Nothing bad is going to happen." Agent Reynolds said.

Jessica snapped her fingers at Agent Reynolds.

"Excuse me, if I say that Richard doesn't have to go, he won't go." Jessica looked fiercely at Agent Reynolds. "After all, who is supposed to follow orders here?"

"Ma'am yes ma'am." Agent Reynolds lowered his head. "I am sorry my Majesty."

Jessica returned her attention to Richard. "What is it that you would like for us to do?"

Richard stayed quiet for a few seconds, then he grabbed his cellphone and hand it to Jessica. He looked in the direction of Agent Nagi and Agent Taylor and saw the chair behind them.

"I want you to record me."

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