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"They are after me because of a prophesy Richard!" Jessica was sitting on a bench at the garden of Westminster Abbey. "A prophesy of Doomsday!"

Richard crouched with his hands on Jessica's knees at looked at her in the eyes. They were filled with tears. Beyond her head he could see the clear London sky full of stars.

"If I am still alive, then this means that this prophesy will happen..." Her voice trailed off in confusion. Then, she asked him with a convinced certainty in her voice. "What if I just commit suicide and end this?"

"Are you out of your mind?!" Richard grabbed both of her shoulders. "Would you be willing to spend eternity in hell because of hypocrisy? Why would you be willing to sacrifice your life to save the fate of this World? We are shortening the 'life' of this Planet every day anyways. Take a look around you, observe that we are ignorant. We are never satisfied with what we have. We always want more and more, and we don't even look to our neighbor and ask him if he needs help. Deep down

we only care for the best of ourselves. We forget that the only

thing that matter in the end is if we are saved and where are we going? This is the only thing that you can't do it for me! Imagine this: We are under God's time. Regardless of what happens to you, if he wants to end this, he will end it! Think of the story in the Bible when God stopped the Sun and the Earth stood still, it is exactly like the Dean said, God is in control of everything!"

Jessica wiped the tears from her cheeks and shook her head.

"Oh Richard! I honestly never thought to be hearing these kinds of words from you. You are an assassin with a heart." A smile broke across from her lips.

He shrugged. "I am the person who fell in love with you, and for you I would do anything! You changed my mind for the better. You made me see that what I was doing, was not for the better of this World. The Government may put this picture in my head, they may brainwash me and make a monster out of me. Yes! I studied it, received acknowledgment for my over the charts works. Won championships, pins, medals, and trophies in marksmanship; but for what compensation? Kill someone who poses a threat to a British Government? First of all, I am not even from here!"

Jessica giggled.

Richard continued speaking. "I would gain a lot more by protecting you. You are unique. You are a singularity. There is no one else like you. You haven't done anything wrong. It was not your fault your Father fell in love with the wrong person. That was how you were born! You should never be paying for someone else's mistakes. It is not by taking someone's life that you will be 'making it even'. Instead, let them feel in their skin their wrong doing while there are alive!"

The Docent exited the Abbey and started walking on top of the red cobbled stones that serpentines around the garden. The stones were wet from a light drizzle. He headed towards Jessica's direction with a glass cup of water in his hands. Both towers of the Abbey appeared behind his head to a staggering 520 feet high. Ahead, he could hear Richard's muffled and distant voice. Jessica was nodding her head to what he was saying.

He approached Jessica and handed her the cup of water.

"I hope you feel better."

"This is when you poison me..."

"Beg your pardon?"

"I threatened your job earlier, and now you are taking care of me. I assume this when you've poisoned my water!"

"I am sorry Ma'am, but I am part of this Church staff and I have cleansed my soul from any evil thoughts."

I was not trying to pay attention to your striking good looks!

"Technically I am sitting in a bench in the gardens surrounding the church."

"But still!"

Richard got on his feet and turned towards the Docent with his brows raised.

"Sir, could you leave us alone for a minute."

The Docent turned around while feeling a little confused, and wondering if he had said anything that he shouldn't have.

Was I thinking out loud...?

Jessica kept watching the Docent distancing himself from them, then she turned her head towards Richard and got up from the bench.

"Hey Richard, look!" She gestured to behind him.

Richard turned around with his brows raised and watched Agent Reynolds walking towards them with a smart phone pressed to his ear.

What does he want?

"I am not sure if you are aware, but there is a major riot starting in London. I assume it is because of the video you created Agent Maxwell."

"All I said was the truth."

"Now we see that it was very inconvenient."

"What do you suggest that we do? We can't go back in


"I suggest we go to the City of Kent, and enter the Dover Castle. After all, we still have that key to the Castle that your Mother left behind."

"Do you really think she traveled that far?"

He ignored his question.

"If we leave now we should get there around nine thirtyish, it's only an hour and half away."

Richard and Jessica exchanged glances. While they were

looking at each other in the eyes, a loud sound of explosion broke their concentrations, and the first word that came out of Jessica's lips started with the 'F' letter.

The Bitter TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora