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The digital clock showing on the video display below the neon signs mounted on the corner building on the northern side of Piccadilly Circus marked 6:01 P.M. The sunlight was very weak, and it created dark shadows in the street. The Moon was full.

Pedestrians crowded the round open space at the street junction. Many were leaving or entering the Piccadilly Circus tube station or preparing to go inside the Criterion Theatre. Tonight was the opening night to one of the most anticipated movie for this time of the year, and the line to the theatre was huge.

Two teenagers stood at the end of the movie theatre line, standing at the steps of the Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain.

She looked at him for a long moment and then a smile broke across her face.

"Thank you so much for taking me on a date!"

He hugged her, and glanced up at the winged Angel carrying a bow.

The god of selfless love in Greek mythology...

"I cannot understand how most tourist mistakenly believes that this it's a depiction of Eros, the Greek god of love."

The god of selfless love...

The girl glanced up at the statue, and then returned her attention to him. She watched him leaning his head towards her.

"This is a very special evening for both of us."

We are standing under the Cupid for good luck.

"I feel very fortunate to know that Cupid found us."

The girl closed her eye. Her boyfriend's mouth was cool and his tongue was swift. She tasted faintly of mint gum. She could smell perfume on his skin and in his hair. She felt his hand on the back of her head. Then he stopped moving. Held still and pulled away while opening his eyes. He took a deep breath.

"Hey, we are matching today."

"We are always the couple that match what we wear." He smiled in agreement. "I am actually wearing this

white shirt, because Mr. Martin delivered a speech earlier today pleading for the Citizens of the United Kingdom to wear white shirts in reference to maintain peace at the United Kingdom after the death of the Prime Minister."

His girlfriend glanced towards the entrance to the Theatre, and observed that the line started moving.


Suddenly, the face of Richard Maxwell appeared on the screen of the video display below the neon signs.

People wondered who the hell he was. As in response to their thoughts, he started speaking.

"Good evening to the people of London..."

There were nearly two hundred people gathering around the huge picture of the Prime Minister that was hanging on the building facing the Victoria Embankment Gardens. Most of these people were wearing white shirts with the flag of the United Kingdom. There were three words written under the flag: Honor the Kingdom. This shirt was the most seeking item at many shopping centers and plazas around London this afternoon.

Many people were whispering their silent prayers while holding candles, or laying flowers on the sidewalk at the base of the picture. Parents were giving their children balloons with words written: We Will Miss You.

His shirt was not white.

But what stood out was the stylized portrayal of a white face with a subtle smile and red cheeks. A wide moustache upturned at both ends and a thin vertical pointed beard. There was one word written under the drawing that read: Disobey.

Through his peripheral view, he caught a News Media van crookedly parking halfway on top of the curb. He glanced in the direction of the van and saw Richard's face appearing on the television screen inside.

"My name is Richard Maxwell..." Richard started speaking, and the people that were tuned in to the television in their homes listened intensively.

Piccadilly Circus became a standstill, people stopped walking to listen to Richard on the screen of the video display.

Richard Maxwell...

Why give importance to someone is wanted by the police...?

The video looked as if had been recorded from the camera of a cellphone.

"...I am twenty seven years old and I work as a Supervisory Special Agent in charge of analyzing background checks at the SIS office. Previously I have worked as an Assistant Administrator for the Chief Director of the Secret Service. I have protected the Chief Director's daughter overseas, and I have served the British Armed Forces as a Marksman. During the time that I held a position in Office where I had privileged access to investigate the life of any citizen, I stumbled upon a huge British conspiracy." He checks the time on the watch on his wrist. "Nearly two hours ago, we witnessed the Prime Minister's emotional speech saying that he was being targeted for elimination and that the United Kingdom could be left ruins. This Kingdom is already in ruins!" He stopped talking and got closer to the camera. "Citizens of the United Kingdom, why are you mourning the death of someone whom a week ago, you wanted thrown out of the Office? Why show remorse to someone who did everything he wanted using your tax money? Yes, you elected him to the Office because he was promising changes to this Nation. Yet, he failed to comply with his duties. What I have discovered reaches deep into the roots of this Kingdom. It involves a young woman who embodies the ideals of a new era. A true heir to the British Throne, whom your Prime Minister himself tried to eliminate, by putting Impostors to represent her. He came after us, all to no avail. Today, however, I believe we will undo the wrongs with rights, and restore the foundations and true pillars of this Government once more. I am here not for personal gain, for anybody in the Technical Capability Research position that I held, could collect this plan and pass it to the black markets of other Countries that seek to destroy the United Kingdom. I am not here to destroy the United Kingdom. I am here to strengthen it. I am here not seeking justice, but making sure justice is already established. I have the full rosters of everyone working at the British Secret Service, followed by the entire SIS Community from Safe Houses, Stations, and Assets here in England, to overseas, and what are their primary Operations. I intend to give these documents to the appropriate British Authority when the time is right. Truthfully, it is not by holding signs written to impeach the person set to represent the Head of Government that will change the Country. If you seek change, then stop and reflect on what have you done to make this Country a better place. The change to see this Kingdom prosper is within you."

Richard nodded at the person recording him and the image went black.

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