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The Detective from the Scotland Yard Criminal Investigation Department Elizabeth Johnson stopped at the door to her office and punched in the code for her security lock on the door. The light turned from red to green and she twisted the handle. Opening the door, she stepped inside and turned on the lights. Her gaze went immediately to the office next door, where he saw Agent Bishop standing by his computer desk. He was placing his phone on top of the table.

Agent Bishop noticed that she was watching him through the floor—to—ceiling windows and decided to take off his black suit. She kept watching him, a muscle bond figure standing next to the door frame. Her cell phone started vibrating on her hip and it broke her concentration. She swallowed hard and snatched the phone off its clip. Then walking to her chair, she took a seat and flipped her cell open. A text message filled the screen. She read: I spoke to the tech. guy and he will be here at 1pm to go over both documents. There is more than what meet the eyes. The message came from Agent Bishop.

The message made her think of when she saw a Secret Service Agent walking behind the Prime Minister and showed him a yellow sticky note. The Prime Minister had looked over his left shoulder and read the note. She remembered looking at the Security Guard and exchanging glances.

What could this be about?

The sense that something more was to happen crawl inside her and stuck in her gut. She looked at Agent Bishop through the glass and watched him throwing his black suit around his chair. Then he kept studying something that was on top of his desk. He was probably looking at his detective blotter, she surmised.

Setting her briefcase on top of top of her desk, she opened it and pulled out a manila folder. She set the briefcase on the floor, turned her attention to the folder and popped the clasp. She removed the letter that was found inside of the Prime Minister study out of the folder.

If I had taken this threat note more seriously, then I could have saved the Prime Minister Secretary's life.

The burden of guilt she carried for the death of the Secretary was enormous and the idea that more people might die horrified her.

The Prime Minister is targeted for elimination, and he will be assassinated...

What are the assassin's motives?

Where will he be waiting to strike next?

Who is next?

When will that be?

She reached inside one of her desk drawers and grabbed her reading glasses.

I want to discover what did that Secret Service Agent wrote on the yellow sticky note...

What did he discover? She put her reading glasses on. Grabbing the letter with both hands she began reading the first line: We don't want to see the United Kingdom torn apart over the selfish and evil actions of a select few...

Look for things that stand out...

Reaching inside of the desk drawers again, she grabbed a sharpie highlighter.

Think of who could have written the letter?

What is his or her level of education?

Using the sharpie highlighter, she highlighted the first



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