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Once Richard finished speaking the concluding paragraph to his speech, everyone in the room felt stunned.

No one ever knew he had so many clearances in the Government!

No wonder the whole British Government is after him...

He knows everything about the doomed Operation White Diamond.

These thoughts were in Agent Reynolds mind as Richard was showing Jessica how to pull up his video from the Camera Roll on his cellphone.

Richard then selected his video and chose the option to send as an email attachment to the BBC Chief Political Correspondent that worked just above the BBC World News Reporter that had been assassinated earlier at Trafalgar Square.

"Are we ready now?"

"Yes sir." Richard pocketed his phone and started walking towards the door.

One of the British Secret Service Agents in charge of

securing the Prime Minister's premises approached the sliding door, opened it and stepped outside. He caught the Prime Minister's Wife coming up on the steps of the back yard porch.

"Ma'am. I just wanted to inform you that Agent Fox will be here in approximately two minutes to pick you up."

"Thank you."

The Agent turned to walk away.

"Sir. Excuse-me?"

"Yes Ma'am?" He stopped and faced her.

"When will I be able to see the body of Mr. Mills?"

"We will inform you when the time is right. It is currently an ongoing investigation."

The Driver of the large BMW with heavily tinted glass turned off the engine and glanced in the direction of the address they were about to infiltrate. The Prime Minister's residence was across the street, one house over. Tourists visiting the Prime Minister's residence at Downing Street will only be able to see his house through large iron gates.

Because of his sudden death, his house was closed to the public.

The Driver could already see that a few people had already placed warm thoughts and wishes cards, flowers, and candles near the entrance to the garage.

Richard sat on the front passenger seat watching the front entrance movement and noticed that they will have to peer over some policemen, as there are lots of security precautions in place. He glanced through the windshield and saw a London Police Officer with a bullet proof vest and a sub machine gun standing by the front entrance to the Prime Minister's house.

"Agent Maxwell." Agent Reynolds instructed. "Jessica and I will enter the premises through the rear door. That is the quickest way to get to her purse. Once we are inside, we will locate the Prime Minister's Wife and her purse, and find out what is inside of the small squared box that your Mother was after."

He glanced at Jessica and then returned his attention to Richard. "Agent Taylor, and Agent Nagi stayed at our place of meeting. She is using channel nine in the radio-communication system."

Richard touched his radio-communication on the right side of his hip and twisted the button that changed the channel frequency.

"This is Agent Maxwell, to Agent Taylor." Richard spoke on his wrist microphone.

"Agent Maxwell, go ahead."

"Agent Taylor, I was just testing the channel. Over."


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