A cloud passed over, obscuring the sun and throwing the road into chill shadow. Jessica Cardelini heard the birds chirping from the trees lining the side of the road. She reached the entrance to her condominium at a steady trot and was about to complete six miles under forty—five minutes.

Stopping momentarily to check the road for vehicle behind her, she felt her heart thudding heavily in her chest. She entered the condominium and quickened her pace until reaching the sidewalk on the other side of the road. The flowers that went from the garden to the sidewalk were beautiful. Shrubbery plants dotted the lawn, and heavy green hedges hemmed the fence.

She shot a glance across the parking lot, and watched a man wearing a suit and a tie opening the trunk of his car; and placing a suitcase inside. As she descended the slight hill of the parking lot, she ran past a teenager that was washing the hood of his vehicle. The teenager noticed her presence and stopped moving. He was hypnotized by her striking good looks. She

was wearing a gray pair of sweat pants, a dark blue sweatshirt

and white running shoes. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She styled her hair differently than that of a year ago. From long straight hair, she now had long curls, and some of her strands were highlighted blond. The teenager looked at her face and observed that the color of her eyes were very stunning. He gave her a flirtatious glance.

But she completely ignored it.

She was committed. She started dating Richard the following days after they had kissed at the Lincoln Square in the United States. Since then, the more she paid attention to his collective character, behavioral, and emotional traits, she discovered that he likes to protect women and speak the truth. He had come from a generation in which a man did whatever it took to protect the people they loved. They were living a normal life in the United Kingdom.

Jessica stopped jogging as she reached another intersection. She looked at the Apartment Buildings to her right, at the other side of the intersection. Cars were parked on both sides of the lot. The pink—orange glow of first sun light decorated the buildings. Somewhere down the road, a door slammed. She listened for voices while looking ahead. Tall trees hindered the sunlight, and casted slats of shadows on the

wall of the apartments. The roots were bulging out of the concrete, making the sidewalk look uneven.

She readjusted the ear buds in her ear, changed the song she had been listening to from her cell phone and raised the volume. Another popular song started playing. Turning her head to the left, she scanned the Alley. It looked clean and well kept. It was deserted. The Apartment buildings were only three stories high. The shingles were radiant from the sunrays. Jessica observed that most balconies were decorated with plants in ceramic pots. Yellow and red flowers that were kept inside of plastic trays, hung from the railings.

Halfway down the alley, her shoe laces becomes undone. She stopped and crouched to tie her shoes. In that instant a bullet sent chips of brick flying into the air, just above her head. Instincts told her to lower her head.

"What the—"

She felt a knot tighten in her stomach. Looking up, she crossed the alley in a crouched position and hid in a recessed doorway. She straightened.

I did not hear a gunshot...

Her eyes were filled with fear. She glanced around. The alley looked empty.

There must be a hired assassin after me!?

And he must have used a perforated silencer...

Please don't tell me the living nightmare is starting all over again?

What could have possibly gone wrong this time?

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