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They have been traveling north for nearly fifteen minutes while heading away from the Prime Minister residence. An alluring whiff of Jessica's perfume filled the interior compartment of the large B.M.W.

Jessica glanced at Richard, he was smoothing the lapels of his Secret Service jacket while sitting quietly on the passenger seat. She looked at Agent Reynolds sitting on the rear seat by her side. He was staring straight ahead while holding the overhead hand grip with both hands.

"Thank you for looking after me."

Agent Reynolds glanced at Jessica and attempted a smile.

Richard craned his neck, and glanced over his shoulder.

"What happened?"

"Agent Reynolds protected me from the Prime Minister's security dogs."

Richard returned his attention towards the road ahead. They were approaching Holmes Road. He saw a Police patrol unit with its side markers blinking, the Police patrol was preparing to turn left at the traffic light.

That Patrol Unit is probably going to the Kentish Town Police Station.

Richard glanced at their driver, and wondered if he had seen the Police Patrol Unit. The Driver kept the pace and didn't give any suggestion that he was planning to reduce the speed.

"Agent Reynolds?" Jessica turned to Agent Reynolds.

"Ma'am, yes Ma'am."

"You mentioned to the Prime Minister's Wife that we were going to travel to the South East coast of England."

"Ma'am yes Ma'am. That is correct."


There was a few seconds of silence, then Agent Reynolds spoke.

"We have other information on Richard's Mother that we haven't spoken to you about."

Richard glanced at Agent Reynolds immediately upon hearing his name and the reference to his Mother.

Agent Reynolds, you are very fortunate that I am not sitting next to you!

Richard immediately felt an upwelling feeling of anger growing inside of him.

Why would you keep information from MY mother away from me?

No doubt that if he had been driving the large B.M.W, he would have skidded the S.U.V. to an abruptly stop.

"Why didn't you tell us this information earlier?" Richard furrowed his brows.

"Along with the photographs that were inside of the Swiss Bank box, there were two more items."

Richard felt his heartbeat accelerating as he watched Agent Reynolds reaching for something inside of his Secret Service coat pocket. He grabbed the object and placed it on the palm of his right hand. It was a key cap cover with the Seal of the United Kingdom Navy. Richard grabbed the key cap and raised it to his eyes level.

"It helps if you remove the key cap cover."

Richard glanced at Agent Reynolds and returned his attention to the key. He removed the cap cover and read: S800 engraved on the gold key. The weakening sunlight reflected on the gold color of the key, causing Richard's bluish eyes to manifest a conspiratorial glare.

"That key opens one of the dungeons located at Dover Castle in Kent."

"Have you guys been there yet?"

"No. However, we had arranged a trip to Dover Castle for this evening. But Ms. Cardelini presence changes everything. We don't know what will be our course of action."

Richard returned the gold key to Agent Reynolds. They were passing by Le Sainte Union Catholic School.

"Today is the day we chose to bring this corrupt British Government down. We have the United States on our side." Richard glanced at his wrist watch. "Right now is five in the afternoon here, which means its nine at night in Washington D.C. We have a friend that is currently in a meeting, preparing an Operation to capture the Queen that is going to meet the American President. This Operation is going to take place at eight in the morning tomorrow, which will be four in the morning here." Richard looked at Agent Reynolds through the rearview mirror. "If there is any connection between the British Government, my Mother and what the American Government is preparing, let's bring it to table and not leave any loose ends."

The Driver turned right on Swain's Lane. Swain's Lane is one way going north, the width of Swain's Lane fits one car at a time. A few pedestrians standing near the intersection glanced at the large B.M.W.

Let's not leave anything behind...

I want to put an end to Operation White Diamond.

"There is one last thing."

"Let's hear it." A tennis court appeared on their right.

"Your Mother was an Agent in charge of finding missing people, correct?"


They all felt the Driver slowing down, they have arrived at their destination.

Agent Reynolds looked at Jessica. "Richard's Mother did an undercover investigation, and found your Mother."

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