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Richard opened the rear passenger door to the large BMW with heavily tinted glass, and gestured for Jessica to get inside.

"How far is the trip to Dover Castle from here again?" Jessica asked the Driver as she sat in the back seat.

"About an hour and half. The traffic should be light, and the road is smoother in the highway. Why?"

"I get car sick easily. Especially during long trips."

"We can stop for a break at any time you tell me pull over." The Driver looked at her through the rearview mirror. "Before we go, we are picking up Agent Taylor."

Jessica nodded, and watched Richard sitting next to her. Agent Reynolds sat in the front passenger seat.

"Agent Reynolds." The driver hit the left blinker switch.

"Yes sir."

"Do you still have that fish flavored gum with spices

and herbs? Because Ms. Cardelini might need something to chew on."

"Of course!" He reached under his suit, at one of the breast pockets.

Jessica quickly touched Agent Reynolds right shoulder.

"Please don't even bother!" She could already feel her stomach stirring for the worse.

I already made that awful and disgusting mistake earlier today...

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