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"Another cemetery?" Jessica got out of the large B.M.W.

"I don't understand." Richard shrugged. Agent Reynolds kept staring at her, while their Driver remained inside of the large B.M.W.

"A Winterfield Asset took your cellphone last year and demanded Patrick to take me to Arlington National Cemetery or otherwise you would die. Turns out you were never there."

"There is nothing to worry about you being here Ms. Cardelini. We are all armed, you are being protected by three well trained British Secret Service Agents." Agent Reynolds said, then he pointed his thumb at Richard. "Actually, this guy right here is the best Agent on the field of Winterfield's History. Great news he is on our side."

Richard laughed.

Jessica glanced across the street.

"Growing up, I hated the idea of having to pass near a

cemetery. I personally dislike crossing a cemetery. Matter of fact, I feel the hair on the back of my neck rise when I am thinking about tombs."

"I am very sorry for your loss, I personally will respect your decision if you decide not to go inside. After all, you are going to see the tomb of your biological Mother."

"I am totally fine Richard." Jessica narrowed her eyes at the cemetery. Then looked back at Richard's eyes. "With all due respect, but how could I mourn or feel pain from someone I have never met?"

Richard read the name of the cemetery.

Highgate Cemetery.

He could see though the black picket fence, that the cemetery tombs and buildings were constructed in an imposing Victorian Gothic style. They started crossing the street.

"Highgate Cemetery." Richard pointed to the name written overhead. "Is this the same cemetery that throughout History, people has claimed to see a particular shadow hovering over the graves at night?"

"Yes, indeed."

Jessica started glancing around.

Luckily it's still daytime!

Agent Reynolds continued. "Many people in the late Eighteen Hundreds have also seeing tombs broken open and corpses later found scattered throughout the city of London. On this particular Friday the thirteenth, two magicians started a phenomenon known as the Highgate Vampire Sensation, and announced an official vampire hunt. The neighborhood was then terrorized, some people broke into the Cemetery and desecrated graves and bodies, damaged vaults and performed exorcisms."

Just as they were entering the Highgate Cemetery, Agent Reynolds did the sign of the Cross.

"Catholic?" Jessica asked him.

"Yes, I have been all my life."

Richard observed that the Cemetery was dry underfoot,

other areas he noticed that it was muddy. They passed by a statue of an Angel holding a trumpet.

A trumpet usually means Judgment Day...

They passed under a huge tree that casted a shadow on the ground. The cenotaph of the Revolutionary Karl Marx appeared on their right. Jessica stopped momentarily to read Marx's tombstone that bore the carved message: Workers of All Lands Unite.

There were fresh flowers at the base of the cenotaph.

Jessica glanced at Agent Reynolds and Richard. They had stopped near the wall of the circle of Lebanon. They were both staring down at a tombstone. When Jessica arrived, she read the words carved to the stone: Victoria Lockhart

She glanced at Richard and then at Agent Reynolds. She took a step forward and crouched in front of the tombstone.

My real last name is Lockhart!

She lowered her gaze to a quote that was carved to the tombstone.

For there is nothing lost, that may be found, if sought.

"Very ironic!" Jessica pointed to the quote. "Have you guys read this?"

Agent Reynolds crossed his arms in front of his chest. "We researched this phrase. It's a famous quote by Edmund Spenser. He is often considered one of the greatest English poet in the English Language. His burial place is at Westminster Abbey."

"I remember reading my Mother's Detective blotter earlier today. I did noticed that she had interviewed the Dean of Westminster two days ago. He is at the Westminster Abbey."

"Interesting." Agent Reynolds noted.

"Francisco taught me a principle that it is more important to give roses to the person while they are living, rather than when they are dead." Jessica kept looking at her Mother's grave. "But I will overcome this fear of cemeteries, and come here every year and pay tribute to my Mother." She glanced at Richard. "For I feel in my heart that somewhere in the Universe, she is looking at me and guiding me." She knelt at the grave.

"Agent Reynolds?"

"Ma'am yes Ma'am." He looked down at Jessica. "Why is the dirt under the grass soft?"

It haven't rained in these past days...

Richard crouched next to Jessica and furrowed his brows.

"What do you mean?"

"Here, watch this." They observed the patch of grass moving.

"The reason why the patch of grass is soft, is the reason why we brought you here." Agent Reynolds looked down at them. "The last thing we found from the Safe deposit was this."

Richard and Jessica looked up at Agent Reynolds. Jessica placed her left hand over her eyebrows to protect her eyes from the weakening sunlight coming through the woods. Richard grabbed the sheet of paper from Agent Reynolds and unfolded it. Together, they read the document, it was written in English.

After reading the document, Richard immediately reached for a patch of grass and pulled it. The patch was still loose on the dirt. He raised it to his face and glanced at Jessica.

"My Mother had a search warrant authorization to dig this tomb."

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