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Detective Elizabeth Johnson took off her reading glasses, set them on top of her office desk, and leaned back against the leather chair.

If what I discovered proves to be correct, then this letter gives references to British myths.

Enigmatic History!

Why would the author point them out to the Prime Minister though?

What connects the dots?

She reached for her cell phone on top of the table and speed dialed a number.

The tech. guy should be aware of what I found immediately.

He answered on the second ring and Liz got up from her chair.

"Hello David Henry..." she heard the sound of traffic through the other end of the line and she assumed he was driving. "Where are you?"

"I am on my way to your office right now." He replied with a thick British accent.

Liz turned around and walked to the window. "That is great." She nodded. "I am glad to hear. But how far are you?"

"Ten minutes away." He paused and she could hear a commentator from a local radio station speaking on the background.

"I need your assistance over here as soon as possible." She could feel her heart beat accelerating. "I believe what I discovered in that document is a matter of National Security."

"Liz. I thought we agreed that you would wait for me in order for us to go over that document as a team."

"Yes...Yes... I know. And I am sorry. I got carried away what you would believe what I found."


Liz pulled the blind from the window and stared at the traffic below.

"Whoever this person may be, he is proving to be very knowledgeable and educated. I know I am not a seasoned Detective but I feel whoever is making these threats to the Prime Minister has other goals."

"How are you so sure?"

"We don't know that. Whoever came up with the letter could have paid someone to write it."

There is that possibility too!

Why didn't I think about that?

Maybe I am moving too fast...

"First of all, the statement is accusing the Prime Minister of crimes and lies. Moreover, to be honest with you, I believed that to be true by the signs of weariness on his face, he is hiding something. Suppose if this letter was a riddle? A clue to something bigger. Much bigger than the threat note that we found on top of the conference table. I yet have to figure it out what the writer is trying to do. I've highlighted keywords such as 'we' 'scandal' and 'form of government'...and I feel that each of these words are clues to who he is and where he is trying to get."

"Please explain?" He asked as he pulled up inside of the Underground Parking lot to the Scotland Yard Garage.

Hell with the idea 'wait until I get there'. This sounds too interesting!

"Let's say for instance the 'we' at the opening of the letter. Since 'we' is used instead of 'I' I think that he either wished to maintain an impersonal tone or he was representing a group of people...a group of people that is searching for hope, prosperity and integrity...

"Ok." He said as he pulled into an empty parking space. "I can see a connection."

"The second thing I noted was the word 'scandal'. Could that be about Britain engaging in a war in the Middle East that doesn't belong to us? Or since he mentioned the words form of government could that mean he discovered something secretly kept within the government; something that happened to the Prime Minister himself or someone in the Royal family? I am thinking of the death of Princess Diana in 1997. Do you follow me?"

"Yes. But we have to keep in mind that the words scandal and form of government could mean about something that happened way back in the past here in England. Because you mentioned of Princess Diana, it came to mind the scandal involving the British Prime Minister who proposed a conspiracy to remove the Royal family from the United Kingdom. Remember that the Prime Minister had argued that she was not obligated to act on Royal Family advices and that she was the one in charge?"

"But this scandal happened in the seventies, why bring in up now, after all these years?"

"I am not sure. Again, these are just ideas. I am still confused about restoring the form of government. That I am aware of, the Monarchy in Britain can be traced back to over one thousand years of History."

Bloody years.

"Unless..." Her voice trailed off in confusion as she let go of the blinds and turned around.

She looked in the direction of Agent sitting behind his desk at the office next to hers.

"Unless what?" He cut off the engine to his S.U.V and opened the driver door. He spoke on his cell phone while pressing it with his left shoulder against his left ear.

She returned her attention to the document on top of her office desk.

"Unless if somewhere along the way, for some reason the Parliament created impostors in the Royal throne."

But what would be the reason behind that?



The person over the line imagined how chaotic would it be if they discovered that the Parliament had added impostors to the Royal throne and that the people they were looking at on National TV were not really a Royal family member...

He looked in the direction of the elevator and grabbed his phone from his shoulders. Liz asked him a question but the signal bar on his phone was low and her voice started cutting. He lost signal every time he walked in the underground garage.

"Have you ever heard of Operation White Diamond?"

"What?" he brought the phone to his right ear instead.

"White Diamond" She repeated while looking at the sheet of paper found at the Parliament building, "Have you ever heard of it?"

He stopped in front of the metal doors to the elevators and pressed the push button to go up. The arrow inside the button glimmered white.

"Listen, I am sorry, but the connection is really bad. I will meet you in your office shortly. I'm entering the elevator."

He ended the connection and took a deep breath.

The Bitter TruthHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin