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The Driver of the large B.M.W. slowed down and pulled to the curb in front of the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Center. This was one of the locations in London where it attracted many high profile meetings. However, they were not expecting anyone at the square, but they had their eyes at the building across the street. Jessica glanced out the rear passenger window and immediately recognized the rear side of the Westminster Abbey. The lights surrounding the Abbey flickered on and Jessica glanced at the clock on the dashboard, it marked 6:15 in the afternoon.

Richard opened the passenger door and got out. Jessica and Agent Reynolds got out as well. She raised the collar on her windbreaker, the weather temperature started dropping.

I thought I would find bipolar weather only at Washington D.C.

They walked towards the back of the large B.M.W. and followed Richard across the square. They passed next to the Westminster Scholars Memorial that stood about 85 feet high. The Memorial was dedicated to former scholars from Westminster School that lost their lives in two 19th century conflicts - the Russian War and the Indian War.

A red double decker bus drove around the square and momentarily blocked Jessica's view of the Abbey. Arriving at the sidewalk outside of the Abbey, Jessica walked between Richard and Agent Reynolds. She twisted her hair in a knot and tossed it over to the left side of her head. The tip of her hair ended just above her left breast.

Agent Reynolds glanced over his left shoulder and spoke to Jessica.

"Since 1066, when Harold Godwinson and William the Conqueror were crowned, the coronations of English and British Monarchs have been held here."

Richard pointed towards the Abbey. "Highly likely this will also be the place of your coronation."

They turned right at the intersection and began entering the garden of the Abbey through the North Entrance. Other pedestrians met them at the intersection. Jessica maintained her gaze at the Abbey, as she followed the outside walls made of stones, the arches and the nearly seven hundred year old piers.

This is spectacular!

Jessica raised her head and looked just below the tree branches. Grasshoppers were making hissing noises on the nearby flower bed.

I have seen Westminster Abbey through photographs, it's phenomenal.

But to see it in person is breathtaking! Jaw dropping!

"I forgot the approximately height of the Abbey's front façade."

"It is two hundred and twenty five feet tall." Agent Reynolds said.

Richard let out a low whistle.


She looked at the great rose window from the outside. A bright white light illuminated the Rose window. The paintings in the glass looked dark and dull.

"I know it is hard to see, but in the middle of the rose window is a painting of a Bible. It is being surrounded by different paintings of Jesus Christ." Agent Reynolds observed.

Jessica lowered her eyes as they continued walking, they heard a couple giggling, while sitting on a wooden bench to their left.

Were they giggling because I had my mouth open this whole time?

Jessica shook her head and pulled her hair to behind her ear.

They entered through the north door, where there was a small ramped step. Just as they were entering the Abbey, Agent Reynolds did the sign of the Cross. Jessica stopped walking and moved out of the way for an elderly woman on a wheel chair to pass through. She smiled at the woman and caught up to Richard and Agent Reynolds. Richard was already talking to someone responsible for the Westminster Abbey guided tour.

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