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"Welcome to our plan—of—action meeting." The Chief of Operations from Winterfield said. He stood in front of the room, and looked around. The Assistant Commander of Joint Special Operations, Joint Chief of Staff Chairman, Winterfield's Profiler, Winterfield's Analyst and the Director of British National Intelligence were also present. "Let me first thank you for coming on such short notice. I was receiving the latest briefing on the facts as they were presently known, and this is a call for matters of National Security."

He paused and glanced at the British Secret Service Agent standing by the door. The Agent turned a dial on the wall, and the light softened. The glow coming from a screen on the wall polarized. The Chief of Operations turned around, and studied the screen, where a projector on the ceiling shot out a power point slide from his computer screen. A detailed map of London appeared. He used a laser to point his way around.

"Our Target is a well-known prominent person throughout the United Kingdom. This is where the assassination will occur, at Savoy Street. The Winterfield asset will be coming from Trafalgar Square, the Charing Cross loop, but before we give him the go codes, we will be resetting the time sequence of a few traffic lights. It's critical that our asset arrives at his target on time."

He turned around and faced the five men sitting in the room. "The Prime Minister will be exiting the House of Parliament in approximately ten minutes. One of his Secret Service Agent will escort him to his government issue Land Rover, and they will leave the underground garage with two unmarked BMWs from the Security Detail. The Target's vehicle is equipped with eight—inch—thick—armored plated doors, and reinforced tires. Their final destination is the Safe House."

The Winterfield's Profiler stopped taking notes, looked up from his notebook and asked. "What is the distance from the Parliament to the Safe House?"

"The Safe House is less than a mile away and our Target will be traveling at forty miles per hour. The E.T.A is set for approximately four minutes."

The Chief of Operations looked at the Winterfield's Analyst and said. "Get reacquainted with the Special Weapons Assault Team; prepare briefing about the Tactics and Weapons to be used. Go over the possible scenario that the Asset might encounter."

"Worst case scenario, if the Asset doesn't make it to the Target's vehicle, what would be our next course of action?"

The Chief of Operations pressed a button on his laptop and the Prime Minister's Safe House appeared on the screen.

"We will then move our focus to the Safe House. The Safe House is suitable nondescript, a burned out former hotel in the middle of London. As you can see here, to passerby it is nothing more than a derelict eyesore and only a few personnel within the British Secret Service know that the property is in use. If our Target makes to the Safe House, we will give the Asset another cover identity that will allow his entry."

He checked the time on his watch, then glanced at the people sitting across the room and said. "This Operation begins now gentlemen."

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