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The large BMW with heavily tinted glass came to a stop at the gate to Dover Castle. The driver pressed the powered window button down and flashed his credentials to a security guard demanding identification. The officer looked past the driver and watched the passenger lifting his credentials as well.

"Agent Reynolds. British Secret Service, Her Majesty Security Personnel."

The Security guard stepped in the guard shack wondering why the Queen's Security Personnel was doing here so late. It was 9:23 P.M.

Where is the Queen anyways?

He opened the guard shack gate arms. But the large BMW remained idling.

The guard peered out of his booth.

"How may I be of service?"

"That vehicle approaching is one of ours. Agent Taylor is the driver, and Agent Nagi is in the passenger seat."

"That is fine, anything else sir?"

The Range Rover stopped behind the B.M.W. and the Security Guard saw a blonde woman behind the wheel. She had her hair pulled to a ponytail.

"Where can we park?"

"We have valet parking sir. It is currently closed, but the employee is still around if you would like for him to take care of the car."

The Driver glanced at Agent Reynolds for assistance.

"No." Agent Reynolds leaned towards the driver window, into the orange floodlight coming from the street pole. "He keeps control of the vehicle, and I need it close, in case it is required in a hurry."

"Very well, then if you would just follow this paved road, it will lead you to the main entrance."

"Thank you." The driver closed the driver window and moved forward.

The Helicopter soared high over a city in England.

One of the soldiers from the most secret squad of the United Kingdom Navy Seal glanced out the window and contemplated the orange glowing lights below. His face was marked by a painted black stripe. His brown eyes shone brightly as his gaze moved to where the earth met the sky in the Horizon.

The pilot spoke on the radio communication and broke his concentration. He took his eyes away from the window, and glanced at his teammates. They were all serious and well concentrated, appearing ready for the Mission ahead.

The final chapter to Operation White Diamond. E.T.A. is set for nineteen minutes...

The Driver stopped the large B.M.W. near the entrance viewed from the North West side, and watched Agent Taylor cutting the xenon headlights of the Range Rover behind them. He noticed the driver door opening.

Richard saw the reflection of Jessica in the window sitting quietly in the back seat. He watched her for a long while and felt an unexpected upwelling feeling of contentment.

Jessica turned towards him and placed her hands on his shoulders giving him a quick rub.

"I am sorry for putting you through so much today."

He gave her a short nod, pursed his lips and heard Jessica speaking.

"Thank you for never abandoning me when I am in trouble."

"I will always be here for you."

Agent Reynolds glanced over his right shoulder.

"Alright let's get going love birds."

Jessica smiled and follow Richard and Agent Reynolds

out of the car. She felt the colder wind coming from the English Channel and zipped the windbreaker up to her chin.

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