Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

    Although the extraordinary performance in a training match could not change the main list, it still sounded a bell in the hearts of everyone in this training match.

    Sliver really came back, and not for messing around, but for C.

    Lu Yuan was upset, and could hardly hide the irritability on her face. It's fine that Sliver is really a cash machine, but he suddenly operated such a wave of Tianxiu, what do you mean? You used to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

    She suddenly remembered what Fever said in HG about fake matches to create mentality. She frowned, took out her mobile phone to screenshot the chat history, and then blocked this person, stupid|fool, he still publicizes fake matches everywhere, something is wrong with his mind.

    But it's not without its benefits.

    At least the idiot gave her a handle on Sliver.

    Lu Yuan finally realized clearly that Sliver came here to take her place. Her contract was for three years, and this year happened to be the third year. Duan Mingyue made up her mind to leave by herself.

    This man...why is he so ruthless!

    Lu Yuan admitted that Shen Yanjin's operation and consciousness are stronger than her own, and her style fits the version, which is like rain from heaven for KW.

    As for myself, I was just an old man who used it for six years and was kicked away when he felt that it was not going well.

    Newcomers replace old ones, only hear the newcomers laugh, but hear the old ones cry?

    But Lu Yuan didn't believe that Duan Mingyue could really train, play games and even sleep on the same floor with a gay guy who liked him every day!

    Her family's thinking is fairly open, but she herself still can't accept the fact that such a man likes a man. Not only does she not accept it, she doesn't understand it, and she even feels disgusting.

    And take it for granted that other people feel the same way.

    But she never expected that after the training match, Shen Yanjin, who was called out by Duan Mingyue with an excuse, was being pressed against the wall and kissed by a man she imagined could not accept homosexuality.

    Shen Yanjin's lips were already red to the point of bleeding, and he gently pushed Duan Mingyue: "There is still a replay."

    Duan Mingyue hugged him, and put his forehead on Shen Yanjin's shoulder: "No wonder they said the game is over I will be very excited afterwards."

    Shen Yanjin was stunned for a moment, and soon, he felt something hot and hard on the heel of his leg, and he was shocked and ashamed: "Brother, brother..."

    He has also heard of it. , Some players will not return to the base after the game, and will run to find their girlfriends and stay out all night. Agitation and excitement can easily lead to desire.

    "It's okay, I'll go down later." Duan Mingyue tilted her head and kissed her little boyfriend's neck, "This is just a training match. If it's an official match or final, do you think I can't help it?"

    Shen Yanjin breathed Confused: "...No."


    "Because you are reluctant." After finishing speaking, Shen Yanjin also felt too narcissistic, bit his lower lip, and an embarrassed expression appeared on his face, "I'm going out "

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