Chapter: 2

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(Backstory: Tracee and Malcolm are childhood best friends. They grew up together and has attended all of the same schools. One night at a party some guys tries to take advantage of Tracee and Malcolm had to come to her rescue. Some would say having a guy as your best friend is a bit strange.)

(Start scene: It's been a year since that incident happened, and everyone have moved on. Tracee and Malcolm was in their junior year in high school. Since the incident they have only become closer, and sometimes things become conflicted. They was at school in English class when a group of girls came in, and one walks up to Malcolm.)

Vanessa: Hey Malcolm

Malcolm: Hey!

Vanessa: Can we talk after class?

Malcolm: Ummm sure!

Vanessa: Great!

(She walks passed him and looks at Tracee giving her a look before she sits down. Tracee just looks and roll her eyes trying to figure out why she has so much hate for her.)

(After school Tracee was waiting for Malcolm so they could walk home. He comes out with Vanessa hanging off his arm. He walks up to her as she looks at them. Vanessa stays behind while he moves closer to her.)

Malcolm: Hey Tra!

Tracee: Hey!

Malcolm: Look I'm not going straight home.

Tracee: So I'm walking home alone.

Malcolm: Umm yeah, I promised Vanessa I would come help her with her paper.

Tracee: (nods her head) Ok, well I guess I'll see you later.

Malcolm: Tracee, I can..

Tracee: No it's fine really.

Malcolm: I'll make it up to you.

Tracee: We are not dating Malcolm, go enjoy yourself. Your life does not revolve around me, besides I have a lot of homework.

Malcolm: (looks at her) Ok, I'll um see you tomorrow.

Tracee: Yeah!

(He turns to leave and she watch as they walk off and he gets into a car. Tracee makes it home and goes straight to her room. She takes out her homework and begin on it. After she was done she took her shower and ate whatever her parents ordered. She was in her room reading a book when her cellphone rung, and it was Malcolm. She decides not to answer and continues to read her book. He texts her and she didn't reply, so he sent another message. She went to bed that night wondering what he could be calling her for.)

(The next day as she was on her way out the door, she bumps into Malcolm.)

Tracee: Woah!

Malcolm: I'm sorry, didn't expect you to come running out.

Tracee: What are you doing here Malcolm?

Malcolm: I'm here to walk to school with you.

Tracee: Where's you little girlfriend?

Malcolm: She's not my girlfriend!

Tracee: Whatever, it's ok to date Malcolm.

Malcolm: I know.

Tracee: I think you should.

Malcolm: Why, are you seeing anyone?

Tracee: I think you would know if I was.

Malcolm: (laughs) Yeah, and we both know that won't work.

Tracee: And why's that?

Malcolm: Guys are jerks Tra, besides they would have to pass the test.

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