Chapter: 44

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(Backstory: After Tracee mother dies, she goes by Malcolm so she won't be alone. After she calms doen she tells Kamran and she takes it well. Over the next couple days her and her father makes the arrangements. Family and friends come together to celebrate Sherry's life.)

(Start scene: A few days went by and Tracee was a complete mess. Gabby had tried to cheer her up but she was in a funk. They only time she got up was to use the bathroom. She barely ate anything, and whatever she ate came back up.)

Gabby: Tracee your not going to get any better if you keep doing...

Tracee: Doing what, my mother died and I had to bury her Saturday, so excuse me for not getting over it as fast as you'd like.

Gabby: That's not what I'm saying, Tracee your making yourself sick. Look at you, it's literally making you sick, you need to get out and get some air.

Tracee: You know what Gabby, I think I've had enough of this, and I think it's best you leave tomorrow.

Gabby: (looks at her) I was leaving tomorrow anyway, I have to get back in time for the girls recital.

Tracee: I'm going to be fine, I just don't have no appetite, this will pass.

Gabby: Well I hope so, I'm going to call Malcolm and see if he can take over.

Tracee: No, don't do that!

Gabby: I'm just kidding, but he did call and say he was coming to pick up Kammie.

Tracee: I'll call him later.

Gabby: Why don't you come join us downstairs. Kam been trying to come up here but I've been keeping her busy, she misses you.

Tracee: (gives her a look) I'll be down, I just need to use the bathroom.

Gabby: Ok!

(After she leaves, she gets up and go into the bathroom. She looks in the mirror and had to do a double take, she looks rough. She brush her teeth and wash her face before changing into some sweats and heads downstairs. She sees the girls playing Barbie and Gabby is on the sofa watching tv.)

Kamran: Hey mama!

Tracee: Hey baby!

(She gets up and runs to hug her mother. Tracee wraps her in her arms and kiss her head.)

Kamran: You still feel bad?

Tracee: No, I feel much better now that I got a hug from you.

Kamran: Auntie Gabby burned the pancakes.

Gabby: Hey I tried, sorry I can't cook them like your dad.

Tracee: (chuckle) Really Gabby, pancakes!

Gabby: Hey they ate!

(Tracee shakes her head and goes to sit by Gabby. She takes her hand and squeezes it before she put her head on her shoulder.)

Tracee: Thank you for being here, I know I been a pain in the ass.

Gabby: My ass is numb, that's how much of a pain you've been.

Tracee: (laughs) I'm sorry! So your really leaving tomorrow?

Gabby: Yep, have to head back to wife and mom life.

Tracee: Well since this your last night, we should hangout and watch sad movies until midnight.

Gabby: Lifetime?

Tracee: Of course!

Gabby: Deal, but it's your turn to find some food to eat.

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