Chapter: 25

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(Backstory: Back in Greenwich, Malcolm is at work when Jasmine shows up and apologizes. They rekindle they relationship, and things are back to normal. In La, after a month and a half Tracee starts to feel sick. Thinking it's a stomach bug she goes to the doctor and gets the shock of a lifetime.)

(Start scene: Later that night, after Terrance apologizes to her after blowing up, they are in bed. She is in his arms as he rubs an hand over her belly and she smiles. He was asking all kinds of questions, trying to be involved.)

Tracee: Your not mad are you?

Terrance: No, but it will be a big change.

Tracee: A child is a blessing.

Terrance: Yeah, but I am the only child and let's just say it wasn't always good.

Tracee: You turned out good.

Terrance: Yeah by choice, I could have easily went down the wrong path.

Tracee: Well I'm excited!

Terrance: It's going to take some getting use to, but I can't wait.

(Tracee smiles up at him as he kisses her. He rolls on top of her as she giggle as he kiss down her chin and neck. Things turns into something more and then they both are naked.)

(Two weeks has passed and it was time for Tracee appointment. She begged Terrance to take off so he could be there, but he had more important things to do. It pissed her off, but she didn't let him worry her and just focused on her baby.)

(At the doctor she was in the room waiting on the ultrasound tech to come in. She had just finished getting a paps before the ultrasound. She was looking around at the different stages of pregnancy. The door opens and a woman walks in pushing a machine.)

Sarah: Hello I'm Sarah, I am your new doctor and I will be doing your ultrasound today.

Tracee: Hi, I'm Tracee, nice to meet you.

Sarah: You too, now let's get this started. Are you excited to see your baby today?

Tracee: Yes, this is my first.

Sarah: Oh congratulations!

Tracee: Thank you!

Sarah: I'm going to need you to lie back and let's take a look.

Tracee: Ok!

(Tracee lay back and pulls her shirt under her boobs. The tech squirts the gel onto her belly before she place the wand on it. A screen come up and a black bubble, what looks like a bean in it.)

Sarah: Alright, well i will say your about eight weeks alone.

Tracee: Is everything ok?

Sarah: Looks like a healthy fetus to me, everything looks good.

Tracee: (smiles) That's good to hear, never thought this day would come.

Sarah: You been trying long.

Tracee: God, when I was married yes but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

Sarah: Like I always say, it's all about the right time. Maybe it wasn't meant for you to have a baby with your ex.

Tracee: (looks at the screen) Maybe, what's that little flutter?

Sarah: That is your babies heart beat, would like to hear it.

Tracee: I can?

Sarah: Yeah, hold on!

Tracee: When is my due date?

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