Chapter: 10

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(Backstory: Tracee and Gabby went out to celebrate Gabby's birthday. While out they had a few drinks and danced the night away. As they was about to bring it to a close Tracee starts experiencing sharp pains. She goes to the restroom and notice blood, and then more pain. Gabby helps her and they head to the hospital, where Malcolm is called. After an exam and tests she finds out she's losing her baby and that nothing could be done.)

(Start scene: It has been three years since that night and it seem nothing has been right ever since. Tracee has thrown herself into her work, now that she has become a realtor. Malcolm has been thinking about finally quitting to start up his business. They was at home one night having dinner when Malcolm decides to bring up what he's been thinking about.)

Malcolm: Hey baby how's work?

Tracee: I'm swamped! I'm grateful for all the love and support, but it had kicked my ass this week.

Malcolm: Maybe you should hire Gabby as an assistant.

Tracee: I don't know, she's pregnant and doesn't need any added stress.

Malcolm: It could be good for her, she can use the money.

Tracee: (gives him a look) Come on babe, don't do that.

Malcolm: What, it's the truth.

Tracee: I know, but I'm sure she doesn't have to be reminded of her situation every time you see her.

Malcolm: I do not do that!

(Tracee gets up and goes to dump her plate in the trash. Malcolm sits there shocked as to what he said was so bad.)

Malcolm: What's going on with you?

Tracee: Nothing I'm fine!

Malcolm: Is this about tomorrow?

(She doesn't answer him, so he gets up and walks over to her.)

Tracee: It's nothing Malcolm.

Malcolm: Oh but it is. Your nervous about what the doctor will say tomorrow, am I right?

Tracee: (sigh) Terrified, Malcolm we've been trying to have a baby for three years in now. Every time I think we did it, my hopes are crushed.

Malcolm: Look I'm sure it will be fine tomorrow, things happen when it's the right time.

Tracee: So what did you needed to tell me?

Malcolm: Oh it can wait.

Tracee: No, just tell me.

Malcolm: I put in my two weeks notice.

Tracee: (gives him a look) Why would you do that?

Malcolm: Because it's time, I've been talking to some people and I'm ready.

Tracee: Ok, I'm proud of you baby.

Malcolm: Thank you!

(They continue to talk and was in bed early to be prepared for tomorrow morning.)

(The next day they both was in the doctor office waiting to hear about their results. Tracee was so nervous, Malcolm had to put his hand on her leg to stop it from moving.)

Malcolm: Babe?

Tracee: I know, but I can't help it. I'm so nervous my stomach is doing flips.

(Malcolm leans over and kisses her lips. He caressed her cheek as he deepened the kiss and she calmed down.)

Malcolm: Works every time!

Tracee: (smile) I mean when you kiss me like that.

(She was about to go in for another one when the doctor walks in.)

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