Chapter: 35

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(Backstory: After being home for a week, Malcolm comes knocking asking to do a Paternity test. She agrees because she too would like to know who fathered her child. They go to the hospital to get it done and now waiting for the results, in three weeks.)

(Start scene: As the weeks goes by, they anxiously wait for the results to come back. Over the course of a week Kamran has changed, she coming into her features. Gabby was down visiting just like she said she would be and they was sitting in the living room.)

Gabby: I must say Tracee, she is a doll.

Tracee: Thank you, she's my everything.

Gabby: I must say thought, she has changed a lot over two weeks.

Tracee: She has, she's gaining weight and she's more alert.

Gabby: That's not what I'm talking about.

Tracee: Well babies change in the first three months of life.

(Tracee mom walks in.)

Sherry: Samething I said Gabby, but she gets upset when I said it.

Tracee: Mom, we are talking here can you go tend to dad please.

Sherry: (chuckle) See!

Gabby: Well we don't have to figure out who her father is.

Sherry: When your going to tell him?

Tracee: He will know when the results come in.

Gabby: Just so stubborn.

Sherry: Very, I hope Kammie doesn't inherit that trait.

Tracee: Very funny mom.

(Sherry leaves out and go outback to tend to her plants.)

Tracee: She has been a pain in my ass since I been here.

Gabby: (laughs) She's just being a mother and a glamma.

Tracee: Is that what they calling it these days?

Gabby: It's classier.

Tracee: It's a mess.

Gabby: So what will you do once he finds out?

Tracee: I guess start with a conversation and go from there.

Gabby: (grins) Are you moving back to La?

Tracee: I want too, but I have to do what's best for her.

Gabby: Your family is here, well except me but it's nothing to hop on a plane.

Tracee: (smiles) Yeah, I have a lot on my plate.

Gabby: Poor Malcolm, he can kiss this fiancé goodbye.

Tracee: She loves money, so she's not going anywhere.

(They both bust out laughing and wakes Kam up. She starts crying as Tracee gets up and picks her up out the bassinet.)

Tracee: Oh crap, mommy's sorry sweets.

Gabby: Good she's up, hand her over.

Tracee: You want to go to Auntie Gabby.

(She places her in her arms.)

Gabby: Hi gorgeous, you are every spit of your father.

Tracee: (gives her a look) Tour this close to getting kicked out.

Gabby: What no sense in lying to the child.

Tracee: God you get on my last nerve.

Gabby: You love me!

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