Chapter: 11

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(Backstory: After they lose their baby, and three years of trying into get pregnant. They made an appointment to get some bloodwork and tests done to see what's going on. Malcolm finds out he's the cause of them not having children, and it puts a strain on them. Now he goes behind her back and take 2,500 to invest in his business.)

(Start scene: Tracee walks in after a day out with Gabby, to see glass on the kitchen floor. She turns when she hears Malcolm voice and sees him on the sofa. She goes over to him and see his hand wrapped in a towel and a glass in his hand.)

Tracee: Malcolm what happened here?

Malcolm: The guy who I gave the money too, was a fraud. When I went to meet him, he never showed, his cell was disconnected, and the money gone.

Tracee: Malcolm?

Malcolm: (gets up) Look don't say anything alright!

Tracee: (gets upset) Oh but I think I have the right to say something.

Malcolm: I don't need to hear how you knew this was going to happen, and I should just go beg for my job back.

Tracee: I mean would that be so bad right now!

Malcolm: I'm not going back.

Tracee: Well you have to do something Malcolm, bills are steady piling up and I'm the only one paying them.

Malcolm: So what that makes me less of a man to you. Just say it, I'm not man enough for you. I see it in your eyes, I know by the way you talk to me.

Tracee: (looks at him) Your drunk!

(He nod his head as he walks away and goes to the kitchen.)

Malcolm: Don't worry about the glass, I'll clean it up.

Tracee: Let me look at your hand.

Malcolm: Whatever!

(She goes to get the first aid kit and pulls him back to the sofa so she can look at the cut. She peel the towel back and makes a face. She gets the alcohol and dab some over the cut.)

Malcolm: Ahhh!

Tracee: Oh hush big baby.

Malcolm: I'm not a baby, that stuff stings.

(She leans forward and gently blows on it before she looks up at him. After she done, she put two bandages on it and place a sweet kiss.)

Tracee: There all better.

(He leans into her.)

Malcolm: (sigh) You always make everything better.

Tracee: (chuckle) Well I'm happy to help.

(He looks up at her and before she knew what was happening, he was kissing her. He pushes her back on the sofa and pins her hands above her head.)

Malcolm: Mmmm you smell good.

Tracee: Do I, I think I'm a bit sweaty.

Malcolm: I love your sweat.

Tracee: Baby that's gross.

Malcolm: (kiss her neck) Mmm mm, I love it.

(She smiles up at him as she captures his lips with hers. He deepens it as his hand slide down her body. He moves his hand up the inside of her thigh until he grip her panties and rips them.)

Tracee: Malcolm you seriously need to stop ripping off my underwear, I'm running out.

Malcolm: (kiss her chin) Well I'll just buy you more.

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