Chapter: 16

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(Backstory: After a long day of work, Tracee makes it home and sees her husband in the kitchen. She tries to ask him what was wrong, when he hit her with the shock of her life. He asked her about an affair she's been having, and everything goes downhill from there. Tracee asks for a divorce and after he leaves out, she pack a bag and heads to Terrance house.)

(Start scene: The next two days come and Tracee wakes up to get dressed to go meet with the lawyer and Malcolm. She's nervous as hell but she's so ready to get this part of her life done and over with. She makes it to the third floor and knocks on the door. She walks in and sees Malcolm there with his lawyer.)

Greg: Good morning Mrs. Chambers.

Tracee: Tracee is fine please!

Malcolm: Morning.

Tracee: Hi!

Greg: Ok let's get down to business.

Tim: So what my client wants is very simple.

Greg: Which is?

Tim: He leaves this marriage with what he came with.

Greg: So he don't want no fight?

Tim: No!

Greg: (looks at Malcolm) Malcolm is this true?

Malcolm: Yes, i don't deserve anything she made while we were together. She worked hard for what she has, and I just want this to be over so I can move on with my life.

Greg: Ok, Tracee do you have anything to say?

Tracee: (looks at Malcolm) He can keep the house, do whatever she wants with it.

Tim: Ok, I'm a little confused here. Why are we here again, I wasn't giving a reason as to for this divorce was called.

Malcolm: We just grew apart, she's not happy and I want her to be happy.

Greg: Is that the reason Tracee.

(She looks at Malcolm and then at her lawyer.)

Tracee: Yes!

Greg: Ok, well let's get these papers signed so we can let these two move on with their lives.

Tim: You do know this is final Mr. Chambers.

Malcolm: I know, so let's get this done shall we.

(They both signed the papers in silence and after it was done, they had a moment alone.)

Tracee: Why didn't you tell them the truth?

Malcolm: Why so I can be humiliated that I couldn't satisfy my wife. I did what I thought was best for the bout of us. It's bad enough out families has to know what happened.

Tracee: Yeah, your mom hopes I rot in hell and to stay away from you.

Malcolm: Well I think that fair.

Tracee: I can give you money until....

Malcolm: I don't want your money, I will be fine.

(He gets up to leave.)

Tracee: Malcolm wait!

Malcolm: What?

Tracee: I know I hurt you, but I don't want to lose our friendship.

Malcolm: (shakes his head) Have you lost your got damn mind. After what you did, you really expect us to be friends. I told you that I will always love you, that it true. But we can not be friends, you have hurt me deep, all of this still feels like a dream. I'm hoping I would wake up and it's all a joke, but it's not. The only way I'm going to be ok and to get over you is to stay away, I wish you well.

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