Chapter: 47

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(Backstory: Malcolm plans this dinner to tell everyone about the pregnancy. Nothing goes as planned and it leave everything awkward, and a lot of hurt feelings. As two months pass, things between Tracee and Malcolm has changed and not in the way he wanted. One day while at home Kam eats some fruits and starts choking.)

(Start scene: Tracee comes to and sees nurses and doctor around her. She looks around and that's when everything comes back. She starts to panic which cause her heart rate to shoot up and a pain in her stomach.)

Malcolm: Tracee you have to be still.

Tracee: Where's Kam?

Malcolm: She's resting, they are running tests to see what is was she's allergic to.

Tracee: Please, is she ok? I need to be with her, she needs me!

Malcolm: Tracee you have to calm down or you will lose the baby.

Tracee: (looks down) What you mean, what happened?

Malcolm: You blacked out and you hit your head and stomach.

Tracee: (groans) Is the baby ok?

Malcolm: He's fine, but you need to take it easy. Your pressure is too high and they are trying to get it back down. It's cause him to go into distress and it's not good for him. They think when you was carrying Kam you must have pulled something. You will have to be on bedrest for two weeks.

Tracee: We're having a son?

Malcolm: Yeah, and he has ten finger and ten toes, healthy.

Tracee: (cries) Please, is Kam ok! I just need to know she's going to be ok. She wasn't moving and her lips were purple.

Malcolm: She's stronger than we think, they have her on antibiotics and a strong steroid. But she is going to be ok, she just needs to rest and so do you.

Tracee: (wipes her tears) I'm sorry! This is all my fault, I caused this.

Malcolm: Tracee this is not your faults

Tracee: I want to see her.

Malcolm: I will ask the doctor, but don't get you hopes up.

(He leaves out and go find her doctor. Five minutes passed and he come back in with the doctor.)

Dr. McCoy: Hello Tracee, it's good seeing you awake.

Tracee: I need to see my daughter.

Dr. McCoy: I know you do, but I don't want to risk something happening and we have another situation.

Tracee: I can stay in bed, please in just want to see her.

Dr. McCoy: (sigh) Ok, I'll see what I can do.

Tracee: Thank you!

(She leaves out to see what could be done for mother and daughter.)

Malcolm: How do you feel?

Tracee: Malcolm don't pretend you care about me.

Malcolm: Really, your doing this now! That's all I've been thinking about since I been here. You know what you need to pull whatever stick up your ass and realize when someone actually cares for your ass.

(He gets up and walks out the room to not say anything he might regret. He sees the doctor coming and tries to act like he's not pissed off.)

Malcolm: So what's the solution?

Dr. McCoy: We can have her moved to Kamran room. She can stay there until she is ready to be discharged.

Malcolm: Ok, that's good! So when will she wake up? I know they giving her body time to heal, but it's killing me seeing her like this.

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