Chapter: 36

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(Backstory: As the weeks pass by, Kamran has been changing in more ways than one. Three weeks and impatiently waiting on the results, Malcolm as a lot on his mind. The results comes and he finally finds out that Kamran is in fact his daughter. Now he has to find a way to tell his fiancé Jasmine and his parents.)

(Start scene: After telling his parents and Jasmine, he goes outside to think. He sits there for a few minutes before he hear the door slide. He looks up and see his mother coming towards him.)

Malcolm: If you came out here to tell me how disappointed you are save it.

Pat: I'm not going to judge you, but you could have told Jasmine.

Malcolm: Mom we was broken up, she had dumped me.

Pat: This is so sticky Malcolm.

Malcolm: I know, but I'm not abandoning my daughter. Whatever Tracee and I have going on, we will talk and find a way to go-parent.

Pat: Is amazing after all these years, you two finally have a child and your not together anymore.

Malcolm: I never would have thought.

Pat: I'd say it's a miracle.

Malcolm: Definitely, but we have so much to work on.

Pat: I will say, I'm still not over what happened, but I know people make mistakes and I just pray everything work out for what's best for the baby.

Malcolm: Kamran will always be my number one priority.

Pat: I want to meet her.

Malcolm: Ok, I'll set it up. Your going to be sucked in, she's beautiful.

Pat: I'm so happy, not with the situation.

Malcolm: I need to go check on Jasmine.

Pat: Yeah, you go do that and your father and I will head home. Call me and let me know when and what time.

Malcolm: Ok, thank you mom.

Pat: Your welcome baby, now go see about Jasmine.

(His parents leave and he locks up heading upstairs. He check all the rooms until he get to their closet. He walks in and sees her sitting on the floor against the wall.)

Malcolm: Jasmine?

Jasmine: Go away.

Malcolm: Can we talk?

Jasmine: What is there to talk about?

Malcolm: I'm sorry!

Jasmine: How can I trust you Malcolm?

Malcolm: Jasmine, you forgot you had broke up with me that night.

Jasmine: Yeah, and you went and screwed your ex and got her pregnant.

Malcolm: I know, it's an surprise but she's here now and I'm not going to miss another moment to be in her life.

Jasmine: (sigh) God Malcolm, this has just pushed us ten steps backwards.

Malcolm: What you mean?

Jasmine: I don't know if I want to get married right now.

Malcolm: What, because of that?

Jasmine: It's a lot that comes with that Malcolm. I love you yes, but to add a child to all of this is huge.

Malcolm: I don't want to loose you.

Jasmine: I just need some time, and we need to talk about us.

(He sits in front of her.)

Malcolm: Ok, I have a question. Do you think we are ready for marriage right now.

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