Chapter: 24

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(Backstory: Tracee was left at her parents house alone, while they left for a trip. She spent her day packing and looking through old pictures. It was around ten that night when someone came and knocked on her door. She gets up to answer and it's a drunk Malcolm standing there. She lets him in and he starts blaming her for Jasmine leaving and for his broken heart. Then one thing led to another and they agreed to have this one night.)

(Start scene: Two weeks passed and in Greenwich, Malcolm was trying to do his work but he couldn't focus. He was getting ready to take a lunch break when he heard a knock on the door and looks up.)

Malcolm: Jasmine, what are you doing here?

Jasmine: Can we talk?

Malcolm: What is there to talk about, we're not together anymore.

Jasmine: I'm sorry!

Malcolm: (looks at her) For what?

Jasmine: That night, look I was just scared and I ran. I tend to do that when someone really means a lot to me. I come up with anyway to make it not work and that's what I did.

Malcolm: Ok, so what are you saying?

Jasmine: I love you Malcolm!

Malcolm: So what we're you scared of?

Jasmine: Your ex, and I know that I had no reason to be.

(In Malcolm mind, he knew he couldn't tell her what happened two weeks ago. He's really feeling Jasmine and he want to make it work.)

Malcolm: What Tracee and I had, was along time ago. She has moved on and so have I, and now that I got my closure I'm ready to move forward.

Jasmine: (smiles) I've missed you!

Malcolm: I missed you too.

(She walks up to him and wrap her arms around him, pulling him into a kiss. He hugs her tight as he makes a face and pray to god that what happened stay buried.)

Jasmine: Now that we got that out of the way, let me take you to lunch.

Malcolm: Good because I'm starving!

(They leave out hand in hand as she takes him out for lunch. They got to they favorite place and order what they wanted. As they sit and talk, she starts to talk about marriage and kids. That's when he had to tell her his situation and then it got quiet.)

Malcolm: What's wrong?

Jasmine: Nothing, it just shocked me that's all.

Malcolm: Yeah, I think that was one of the reasons...

Jasmine: Can we not talk about her, and I'm sure there are ways to treat that.

Malcolm: Yeah, but is costs.

Jasmine: Hey your a big architect, if it's something you really want m, you make it happen.

Malcolm: Yeah, but let's talk about that later.

(They continue to eat and talk about whatever came to her mind. After they was done he heads back to work, while she leaves to go move her things back in.)

(A month goes by and things hasn't been all that great for Tracee. Two days ago she woke up out her sleep sick to her stomach. She felt nauseous that whole day, and couldn't keep nothing down. All she wanted to do was get into bed and sleep until it passed. She was half sleep when her phone rings and it's from her mom.)

Tracee: Hello!

Sherry: Hi hunni, how are you feeling?

Tracee: Like my insides are tied in a knot.

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