Chapter: 26

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(Backstory: Tracee finds out she's pregnant and it's got her sick all the time. Terrance yells at her when she throws up on his shoes and floor, before she tells him. A few weeks later she goes to the doctor and sees her baby for the first time. After the appointment her and Terrance have another fight, and he didn't even ask about the appointment.)

(Start scene: It was Friday and Tracee was on her way to pick up her mom at the airport. She goes in and wait by the gate for her mom to come out. As soon as she saw her she runs to her and her mom pulls her in a hug.)

Tracee: Hey mama!

Sherry: (holds her) Hey babygirl.

Tracee: I've missed you so much.

Sherry: I missed you too!

Tracee: (pulls back) How was your flight?

Sherry: Long, but it was worth it.

(Her mom looks at her daughter.)

Tracee: What is it?

Sherry: Nothing just looking at you.

(She place a hand on her daughter flat stomach.)

Tracee: Well it's still early so you won't see anything just yet.

Sherry: I still can't believe I'm going to be a glamma.

Tracee: Really mom, glamma?

Sherry: Yes, I'm still young and fabulous.

Tracee: (rolls her eyes) Oh god! Come on glamma let's get back to the house.

(They make their way back to the house and Tracee opens the door.)

Tracee: Ok make yourself at home.

Sherry: This is a big house. What does he do again?

Tracee: He owns a few clubs and hotels.

Sherry: (looks around) How is he treating you?

Tracee: (looks at her) He treats me good mama.

Sherry: Good, because most men like that are dogs and only want to control women.

Tracee: Well he's not those men mom and he is a good man.

Sherry: So where will I be sleeping?

Tracee: You will be down here in the guest room, and you have your own bathroom.

Sherry: Ok, lead the way.

(Tracee shows her to the room and she place her suitcase by the wall. She walks around and notices how clean it is, to say no one sleep here.)

Tracee: What it's to small for you?

Sherry: No, it's surprisingly clean.

Tracee: Well he has someone come clean a few days out the week.

Sherry: A maid?

Tracee: Something like that yes.

Sherry: So, I want to cook tonight and I'm going to need to go to the grocery store.

Tracee: Ok, you can put your things away and I will take you.

Sherry: (gives her a look) My things are in the suitcase and out of the way. I can do that after we come from the grocery store.

Tracee: Ok, umm let's go.

Sherry: I need to change first, airplane clothes.

Tracee: (smiles) Ok, I'll be downstairs!

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