Chapter: 22

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(Backstory: Six months and things was going good for Tracee and Terrance for once. He comes home one day from quitting his anger management classes, and Tracee be there for him. Her mom birthday is coming up, and she plans a trip for a few days in Greenwich. Before she leaves her and Terrance get into a fight and she haven't heard from him.)

(Start scene: It's the day of the party, and Tracee is making sure everything is together. The people got there to decorate at six that morning, and the chef is in the kitchen getting the food together.)

Tracee: Mom you think you have enough flowers?

Sherry: You never have enough flowers sweetie.

Tracee: This is insane, how many people did you invite?

Sherry: One hundred!

Tracee: (gives her a look) Mom this is a wedding, not a birthday gathering. You said it was going to be just a few friends and family, and...

Sherry: Well I have a lot of friends and family.

Tracee: Is Aunt Jackie coming?

Sherry: I didn't invite her!

Tracee: Why not, she's your only sister and my favorite aunt.

Sherry: She's your only aunt and she's a bad influence on you.

Tracee: Mom I was thirteen.

Sherry: Yes, and had no business at the club with her.

Tracee: It was fun though.

(She smiles remembering that night, and her mother gives her a look and she stops smiling.)

Tracee: I'll go and check on the cake!

Sherry: Yeah, you do that!

(By six everything was in a swing and propel started showing up. Tracee had on a nice dress, and some heels with her hair in a bun. She was happy to see so many people she haven't seen in a long time. She was walking around and that's when she spotted Malcolm parents.)

Tracee: Oh shit!

(She tries to hurry and go inside before they saw her but she was too late.)

Pat: Tracee, is that you?

Tracee: (turns) Mrs. Chambers hi!

Pat: (looks her over) You look healthy.

Tracee: Umm yes, I've been trying this new diet and workout routine.

Mat: It's been a long time since you been back.

Tracee: Yes, I've been working.

Pat: Well Malcolm has made a name for himself here, maybe thats what he needed to get on his feet. Oh and he has a lovely young woman, she's the best I pray they get married one day.

Tracee: Umm look Mrs. Chambers, thats great but I really must go check on the cake.

Pat: Sure!

Mat: It's good seeing you Tracee.

Tracee: You too Mr. Chambers.

(Feeling awkward she walks away and goes inside to calm her nerves. After she gets a bottle of water she goes to find her mom.)

Sherry: Tracee baby come dance with me.

Tracee: Mom, you know I don't like to dance.

Sherry: It's my birthday, your going to deny your mother on her day.

Tracee: No ma'am!

Sherry: Good now come on!

(She pulls her on the dance floor, and everyone stops to watch them as they danced. Tracee has a big smile on her face and it's the happiest she felt in a long time. She was around family and this is what she needed. She haven't heard from Terrance, and at this moment she didn't give a damn.)

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