Chapter: 28

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(Backstory: Tracee finally gets Terrance to spend sometime with her. They go eat at this diner where he is not paying her no mind. After he puts his phone away, they talk about things and then he proposes. After he leaves a woman comes to sit down and introduce herself as his mother. After days of doubting the information she just received, she googled it. He finds out and all hell breaks loose, sending her to the hospital.)

(Start scene: It's been two days since her visit to the hospital, and she feels horrible. Both of her eyes are black and a little swollen underneath. Terrance barely been home leaving the housekeeper to help her and around the house. She was downstairs on the sofa reading when Brenda comes over.)

Brenda: Hello Ms. Tracee, you don't mind if I sit do you?

Tracee: Of course not, you know you don't have to be here today.

Brenda: I know, but I worry about you and that baby.

Tracee: (makes a face) Why?

Brenda: I know those aren't from a swinging door, just like I know about all the other times. He is a dangerous man sweetheart and it would hurt me if something happened to you both. I know your grown but think about that precious life your carrying. It's not worth all this hurt and pain, you don't want her to live like this.

Tracee: (looks down) We are fine Ms. Brenda.

Brenda: (sigh) Ok, but if you need anything let me know.

Tracee: Thank you!

Brenda gets up and go to tend to what she was doing before. Tracee sits on the sofa and thinks about what Brenda just said. Terrance have no problem hurting her pregnant or not, she knows it's time to do something.)

(It's been a quiet few days, and it was driving him crazy because she had distanced herself. They don't have sex anymore, not because of her but she knows he's getting it elsewhere. His drinking has gotten out of hand and he is worse)

(She was 20 weeks now and she was fed up with it all. Terrance had something coming up and he was going out of town for the weekend. She decided to make her move than, so she called her best friend.)

Gabby: Hey mama!

Tracee: Hey Gabby!

Gabby: What's up, you having cravings?

Tracee: No, but I need your help Saturday.

Gabby: What is it, I can't paint so...

Tracee: I'm leaving!

Gabby: What

Tracee: I'm leaving Gabby, I can't fix him and I'm done trying too.

Gabby: Umm ok, wow I wasn't expecting that one.

Tracee: Yeah, me neither! But I can't not bring my baby into this world with this mess.

Gabby: Well just tell me the plan and I'm there.

Tracee: I want to leave Saturday when I know he's out there. He leaves out Friday, so Saturday is a good day for me. I'm just taking my things and hers, and I'm going home.

Gabby: What time?

Tracee: That morning around nine!

Gabby: Ok, I'll be there!

Tracee: Thank you Gabby!

Gabby: No problem, does your mom and dad know your coming?

Tracee: No, I was going to call them after I got off the phone with you.

Gabby: Ok well handle that and I will be there at eight Saturday.

Tracee: Ok, see you soon.

(Tracee hangs up and rubs her stomach as her nerves gives her butterflies. Her daughter moves under her hand and she smile.)

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