Chapter: 15

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(Backstory: Tracee and Malcolm have a beautiful moment together after he gives her his grandmother necklace. Tracee continues her affair with Terrance, a secret from everyone she knows. After months of sneaking around, others start to notice and Malcolm is sent a text.)

(Start scene: After her day at work and finding out her best friends has found another job. Tracee doesn't want nothing more, but to go home and have a nice strong drink. She gets home and does her normal routine, bath and wash her face. She goes down stairs and sees Malcolm sitting at the kitchen island.)

Tracee: Hey!

(He doesn't say anything, just sits there with a blank expression on his face. She makes a face and shrugs as she looks for her leftover dinner from yesterday.)

Tracee: Malcolm I said hey, what's wrong?

Malcolm: (doesn't look at her) Can you sit down so we can talk.

Tracee: Malcolm if this about your next idea about this plan of yours, I think we both have heard it all before.

Malcolm: No, this is about something that was just brought to my attention a few days ago.

Tracee: (bites her lip) Ok, what is it?

Malcolm: I'm going to ask you a question and I just want to know the truth.

Tracee: (sits down) Alright, you have my undivided attention.

Malcolm: (looks at her) Please don't be sarcastic.

Tracee: So what is this about?

Malcolm: How long have you been having an affair with this guy?

(It was like something hit her hard in the chest, to where she had to gasp and hold her chest. She looks up at Malcolm and she is unable to read him.)

Tracee: Malcolm?

Malcolm: (hits the table) Tell me!

Tracee: Six months.

Malcolm: So we're you ever going to tell me?

Tracee: I'm sorry!

(He gives her a look that made her afraid, as she watch him pace back and forth. He uses his hand and knocks over some dishes that was on the counter. Tracee gets up and backs away from him as he walks towards her.)

Malcolm: I'm not going to hurt you Tracee, I would never do that. I just want to know why, why would you choose to hurt me?

Tracee: I don't know!

Malcolm: (shouts) Why?

Tracee: (jumps) I'm not happy, I want things Malcolm that you can't give me. You not having a job has taking it's toll and I'm just tired Malcolm.

Malcolm: So that gives you the right to go out there and fuck some random guy.

Tracee: He's not just some random guy, I met him at The Pub. We was just talking at first and then something changed.

Malcolm: (shakes his head) Is it really that bad, why didn't you come to me and talk to me.

Tracee: Look what's done is done. I was going to tell you everything tomorrow and just get this weight off my shoulders.

Malcolm: I kind of had a feeling something was going on, you haven't been the woman I married in a long time. I knew that night when we was doing our thing, it was like you was with someone else.

Tracee: Malcolm, I never meant to hurt you.

Malcolm: Yes you did, because if you didn't you wouldn't have kept going back.

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