Chapter: 34

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(Backstory: Tracee is 37 weeks now and all she want is for her baby to get here. She goes out to the store to get something's when her water breaks. She calls her mom and they meet her at the hospital. After over 16 hours of labor, she finally had her baby girl Kamran Alexus Bell.)

(Start scene: It's been a week and they have been back home and settled in. It was a few days before Christmas, and this year is going to be a bit quiet. Her parents have been really great, helping with giving her some her time. She was home alone when she heard the door bell. She puts Kam in her bed and slightly closes the door.)

(She makes her way downstairs to see who is at the door. She wasn't expecting anyone and she know her mom didn't order anything. They ring it again this time more than once, like it was urgent.)

Tracee: Coming.

(She grab the knob and swing the door open seeing Malcolm standing there.)

Tracee: Can I help you?

Malcolm: Can I come in?

Tracee: No, now what do you want?

(He pulls something from behind his back.)

Malcolm: I've been thinking and I would like to know if she's mine.

Tracee: Why now?

Malcolm: What kind of question is that?

Tracee: A question, now answer or I'm closing this door.

Malcolm: I did some calculations and it would have been around the same time you and I...

Tracee: Had sex, yeah I know.

Malcolm: Look, can we just get this done and over please. We have an appointment tomorrow at 10 am, we can get it done and wait three weeks.

Tracee: (bite her lip) Fine, but only because of my daughter.

Malcolm: Ok, I'll see you tomorrow.

Tracee: Whatever!

(She closes the door in his face and locks it. She goes back upstairs and go into her daughter room and stare at her. After a few minutes she go to her room and takes out a book to pass time. She ends of falling to sleep from being exhausted and overwhelmed.)

(She wakes up and realizes it's dark out and she panics and jumps out of bed. She runs in Kam room to find her bed empty, and her anxiety kicks into overdrive. She hears a noise and moves towards her parents room. She bust through the door and almost cries from joy, seeing her mom talking to her daughter.)

Tracee: (puts hand over her chest) Oh god!

Sherry: What's wrong with you?

Tracee: Why didn't you wake me?

Sherry: You were sleeping.

Tracee: God mom I thought something happened to her, I woke up and it was dark out. I panicked and went into her room and she wasn't there and...

Sherry: Just take a breath baby.

(She goes over and sit on her parents bed.)

Kenny: I told you to wake her.

Sherry: She was sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake her.

Tracee: Mom I thought someone broke in and took her.

Sherry: I'm sorry I scared you, you looked exhausted so I got her when she woke up and gave her one of your milk bags.

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