Chapter: 17

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(Backstory: Tracee and Malcolm meets with the divorce lawyers to discuss an agreement. Malcolm decides he doesn't want anything from her, just to get on with his life. It was a year later and they both are single now, Malcolm has made a name for himself back home. Tracee is living the dream she wanted and her business is doing well.)

(Start scene: After Lola wakes up, Tracee brings her back to bed until she falls back to sleep. Tracee makes it back to the room when Terrance is all of a sudden in her face.)

Terrance: What the fuck was that?

Tracee: That was a child Terrance.

Terrance: Why is she here?

Tracee: She's my friend Gabby daughter, I'm babysitting for her while her and her husband have some time alone.

Terrance: Why didn't you tell me about this?

Tracee: Because I didn't think it would be a big deal. They are just kids who happens to be my godchildren.

Terrance: I don't want kids in my house, they mess up shit and just be in the way.

Tracee: Wow, so what was all of that about having kids.

Terrance: Those will be our kids, they will know better.

Tracee: What does that mean?

Terrance: They are Gabby kids, I mean she need to learn some manners too.

Tracee: Are you serious right now?

Terrance: Very and don't talk to me with that tone, this is my house I can do what and say what I want.

Tracee: Your unbelievable!

(She walks to the nightstand grabs her phone, and about to walk out the room.)

Terrance: Where you going?

Tracee: The other room, let you cool off for the night.

Terrance: Come back here!

Tracee: Goodnight!

(She slams the door and go to the other room. Terrance face gets red as he tried to calm himself down. In the other room Tracee gets in bed and think about what just happened. She has never seen him like that before and it shocked the hell out of her. She pushes it to the back of her mind and close her eyes until she falls to sleep.)

(The next morning she woken up by two small bodies on top of her. She takes sleeps as they play in her hair, and talk about stuff. She almost gave herself away when they said something about they mom. Then one of them moves up and remove the cover and touch her cheeks.)

Jacie: Auntie Tracee time to wake up!

Tracee: I'm so sleepy!

Jacie: We hungry!

Tracee: I guess I'll get up then.

Lola: Pancakes.

Tracee: I will have to see if we have some.

Jacie: I love eggs.

Lola: Me too.

Tracee: Ok, let's go and make you girls so eggs.

(Tracee gets up and they all brush they teeth before going downstairs. Tracee had them sit on the chairs while she takes out some breakfast. She was almost done when Terrance comes down the stairs.)

Terrance: What's all this damn noise?

(The girls get scared at his loud voice.)

Tracee: It's morning so I'm making breakfast.

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