Chapter: 33

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(Backstory: At 35 weeks Tracee was so over it, and ready to finally meet her babygirl. Her mom and Gabby had came together to give her a baby shower on Thanksgiving and she wasn't really feeling it. The next day after putting away the baby things, she made up her mind to tell Malcolm about the secret she's been keeping.)

(Start scene: Three weeks goes by and they have been the worse. Tracee started having false contractions, and the only thing she could do was deal with them. She was so uncomfortable and it was a week before Christmas.)

(Tracee has decided to go to the grocery store to get her some more juice. She's been craving for it since this morning. Her parents was out enjoying some time together so she didn't want to bother them.)

(She gets her juice and she makes her way to her car and puts the bags in the trunk. As she closes it she feels a pop and then something going down her leg. She stops for a minute frozen, before she looks down and sees the ground wet.)

Tracee: Oh god!

(She slowly walks and get into her car as a sharp pain hits her and she gasp. After it was over, she drives herself towards the hospital. On her way there she takes out her phone to call her mom.)

Sherry: Hello!

Tracee: Mom it's time!

Sherry: What now?

Tracee: Yes now, I'm on my way to the hospital now.

Sherry: Are you driving?

Tracee: Yes mom, I was at the store when my water broke.

Sherry: Stay there and we will meet you.

Tracee: No, I'm almost there. (groans) Oh god!

Sherry: Just breath baby!

Tracee: Ahhh I have to go!

(She hangs up the phone and throws it on the seat as she breath through a contraction. She makes it to the hospital and parks at the entrance before getting out. She walk in and another one it her, as she double over and let out a painful cry.)

Nurse: Ma'am are you ok?

Tracee: No, my water broke.

Nurse: (yells) I need some help over here.

(Everyone starts to run up to them and offer Tracee a wheelchair. They roll her into a room and tells her to undress and helps her on the bed. Her doctor comes in just as her parents rush in.)

Sherry: Tracee.

Tracee: Mama.

(Her parents rush to her side.)

Sherry: How are you feeling?

Tracee: Better now that your here.

Kenny: (smiles) Finally get to meet jellybean.

Doctor: Not just yet, now Tracee I need to check to see how far dilated you are.

Tracee: Ok! Dad turn around.

Kenny: What?

Tracee: Mom?

Sherry: Baby turn around.

Kenny: Fine.

(He turns and the doctor raise up the sheet and instructs Tracee to spread her legs. She place a hand on her knee as she takes two fingers and insert them checking her.)

Tracee: (gasps) Ohh!

Dr. McCoy: Just breath Tracee.

(After she's done she moves away and takes off the glove.)

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