Chapter: 14

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(Backstory: Malcolm has come back from his grandmother funeral, where Tracee never made it to. She tries to be there for him but he just pushes her away, telling her he's fine. She meets with Terrance and they look at house together and some what grows close. Not able to control his feeling anymore, he acts on them and she does something she can't take back.)

(Start scene: It's been two weeks since that conversation between Terrance and Tracee. She still hasn't had the courage to tell her husband of her plans. She had just gotten home from a long day of work and just wanted to get into bed. She was reading a book when Malcolm come in the bedroom holding something.)

Malcolm: Baby!

Tracee: (looks up) What are you doing?

Malcolm: I have something for you.

(She sits up.)

Tracee: What is it?

Malcolm: Close your eyes.

Tracee: Ok!

(She sits there and wait for him.)

Malcolm: Ok open them.

(She opens them and gasp as she sees a beautiful necklace.)

Tracee: Malcolm, what is this, where did you get this?

Malcolm: It was my grandmother's necklace, she told me to give it my someone special. Your my someone special and I want you to have it.

Tracee: Malcolm I cant take this.

Malcolm: It's yours, and today marks 12 years we have been together.

Tracee: (cover her mouth) That's today?

Malcolm: Yeah!

Tracee: Oh my god, I totally forgot!

Malcolm: That's a first, we always celebrate the first day we kissed and officially became a couple.

Tracee: I'm sorry, my mind has been all over the place.

(He touches her arm.)

Malcolm: Talk to me, we don't talk anymore.

Tracee: I really don't have anything to talk about other than work. And as much as I love it, I do not like to bring it home.

Malcolm: I miss you Tracee, I miss us. We haven't been us in a long time, and I know that I'm the cause of that. I know you want nice things, want to travel and see the world. I feel like I have failed you, I haven't kept that one promise I said I would do.

Tracee: Malcolm...

Malcolm: No let me finish ok?

Tracee: Ok!

Malcolm: You have no idea how hard I've been working to be the man your need and want. I just wanted to remind you how important you are to me. I know that this necklace not much, but it holds sentimental value.

(She stops him as she gets emotional, because it has been so long since they have had a real conversation.)

Tracee: No it's perfect!

Malcolm: (wipes a tear) Yeah!

Tracee: (smiles at him) Yeah! I love it.

Malcolm: You probably think I'm a big soft ass man huh.

Tracee: (chuckle) No, your human and have feelings too.

(This overwhelming feeling comes over her and she leans in and kiss him. He place his hands on her shoulders as he breaths her in. She puts her forehead against his and all of a sudden she on fire. She grabs his face and brought his lips to hers, as she guide them both to their knees.)

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