Chapter: 38

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(Backstory: Jasmin does the unthinkable to Kamran, and now she tries to cover herself. While at daycare, Kam teacher notice a bruise on her back after changing her shirt. Tracee is called and that when it was brought to her attention. She's pissed and takes Kam home with her but not before confronting Janine.)

(Start scene: After they finished the pizza, Malcolm and Kam went to go sit on the sofa and put Disney on. They laugh at some parts of the movie, while her head rested on his chest. Tracee watch them from the kitchen as she cleans, and shakes her head.)

(By the time she was done, Kam had fell to sleep as her dad rubs her back itch his cheek on her head. Tracee walks over and stands in front of them.)

Tracee: Here let me take her.

Malcolm: She's out, she hung as long as she could.

(She bends and take her into her arms and holds her close as she takes her up the stairs. Malcolm sits back and thinks about how she could be feeling after hat she experienced. He wants to punch a wall or something to let his anger out.)

Tracee: You want to hit something don't you?

Malcolm: (jumps) Don't do that!

Tracee: I'm sorry!

Malcolm: Did she go down alright?

Tracee: Out like a light.

Malcolm: (sits up) How can someone do that to a baby, much less an human.

Tracee: I don't know, but I want to punch her all over again.

(She sits next to him.)

Malcolm: I couldn't let you do that, K needs her mother here not in jail.

Tracee: I would do time for her, I have to protect her.

Malcolm: Me too.

Tracee: So you didn't know?

Malcolm: Hell no, how can you ask me that?

Tracee: She was so terrified to tell me. When I got the call, and they said I need to come there, my mind was all over the place. To get there and they said child abuse I almost hit the floor. That's something I would never want for her, no one should suffer no kind of abuse.

Malcolm: She's still to young to understand it, but we have to let her know that it's not ok.

Tracee: Where's Jasmine now?

Malcolm: (looks at her) I don't know and don't care.

Tracee: Thank you for always being here for her, she loves you so much and it's our job to make sure she's safe and happy.

Malcolm: Hey I think we doing one hell of a job.

(She looks at him and smiles agreeing with him. He look into her eyes and he can see the fear and he just want to hug her. He pulls her into his side and rubs her arm as she leans into him.)

Tracee: I can only imagine how scared she must have been.

Malcolm: She's going to be ok, as long as she have us.

(She nods and wipes a tear before she looks up and that's when out of the blue he kisses her. She jerks back and quickly gets up, moving away from him.)

Tracee: Malcolm, you can't do that?

Malcolm: I'm sorry!

Tracee: (wipes her hands on her jeans) I think it's getting late and you have to go.

Malcolm: Ok, but please don't make this awkward.

Tracee: But it is, this is not who we are Malcolm.

Malcolm: Right, I'm sorry. I'll umm get going and I'll get her after a few days.

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