Chapter: 9

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(Backstory: It's been two years of marriage, and everything has been going great. They talked about the next plans they both have when it comes to business. Her friend gabby comes into town for her birthday and made plans to go out.)

(Start scene: At the club, Tracee was having sharp pains, and decided to go to the restroom. She opens a stale and pulls down her panties and gasps seeing blood.)

Tracee: Dammit!

(She takes out her phone and dials Gabby number. After three attempts she finally picks up and hears her friends stranded voice.)

Gabby: Tracee I can't hear you!

Tracee: I need you to come to the restroom now.

Gabby: Why what's wrong?

Tracee: I don't know!

Gabby: Ok, I'm coming!

(She hangs up and hurries to the restroom to check on her friend. She bust through the door and hears heavy breathing.)

Gabby: Tracee?

Tracee: (hits door) I'm here!

Gabby: What's going on?

Tracee: I started my period, but I don't know. I've never had these kinds of pains before Gabby.

Gabby: What you mean?

Tracee: I'm having sharp pains in my stomach and I'm bleeding a lot.

Gabby: Ok, maybe it's the alcohol.

(Tracee gasps again as she moans in pain and holds her stomach.)

Tracee: Oh god! I think I need to get to the hospital.

Gabby: Ok I'm coming in!

(Gabby opens the stale and sees her best friend bent over panting, as a stream of blood runs down the inside of her leg.)

Tracee: Somethings wrong Gabby!

Gabby: Ok how about we get you cleaned up and head to the hospital ok.

Tracee: Ok!

(Gabby went to go grab a lot of paper towel, and hands them to Tracee to clean herself. She cleans herself and then pad her underwear the best she could to keep the blood from leaking. After she's done, Gabby helps her out the club and into her car as she place a towel she found in the trunk on the seat.)

(She hurries and get in the car and GPS to the nearest hospital. Tracee place her head on the glass as the pain hits her again. She closes her eyes as she breath through the pain. They finally makes it to the hospital and Gabby helps her inside.)

Gabby: Hey we need some help here.

Tracee: I need to call Malcolm.

Gabby: I will call him, but we need to get you help first.

Tracee: (pants) No, I need him here.

Gabby: Ok!

(A doctor and nurse rushes up to them.)

Dr. Hill: Hello I'm Dr. Bill whats going on?

Gabby: We was out for my birthday and she just started having these pains.

Dr. Hill: Ok, Meg can you get a wheel chair for her please.

(As the nurse leaves to get the wheelchair, Tracee doubles over in pain almost falling. Gabby holds her as she struggles through it and that's when more blood leaks down her legs.)

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