Chapter: 7

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(Backstory: Tracee and Malcolm graduates from college after four years. During the ceremony, Malcolm walks up on stage as she was coming across, and proposes to her. Now months later, they are two weeks away from the wedding, and starting a new life in La.)

(Start scene: Today has been a beautiful day, Malcolm cried as he seen his  own wife walk down the isle. They wipes each other tears as the ceremony went on and finally said "I Do". It was a small but intimate setting with only friends and family. They decided not to have a reception and kept the money for the big move. Tracee and Malcolm was busy loving on each other when they parents walk up.)

Sherry: Ok you two, save all that for later.

Tracee: Really mom!

Pat: I can't believe the two little kids I saw grow up are now married.

(Gabby comes up and hugs her.)

Gabby: Congratulations Tracee, everything was so beautiful and so was the gorgeous couple.

Tracee: Thank you Gabby!

Malcolm: We really appreciate you for witnessing this special moment with us.

Gabby: You know I was not about to miss this.

Sherry: What time do you guys leave tomorrow?

Malcolm: Our flight leaves at Eight in the morning.

(Pat starts to get emotional.)

Pat: Well I will be by Sherry's at 6:30, I want to see you both off.

Malcolm: Mom please don't cry.

Pat: I can't help it, my last baby is leaving the house.

Sherry: My only baby is leaving the house, this will take some time getting use to.

Tracee: (hugs her) Mom, I told you , you can come visit anytime and we will always have cell phones.

Sherry: I know, it's just going to be different not seeing you every morning.

Tracee: I love you mom!

Sherry: I love you too sweetheart.

(After they leave Malcolm pulls her close again as they slow dance to a song. Once it was over they said goodbye to everyone and make their way to a suite they booked. Malcolm was driving while Tracee hangs her arm out the window smiling.)

Malcolm: Your so beautiful!

Tracee: (blushes) Thank you, and I must say how handsome you are in that tux.

Malcolm: I can't believe we did it, we are finally married and your all mine.

Tracee: All yours huh?

(He slide his hand up her thigh and squeezes it.)

Malcolm: All mine!

Tracee: Always!

(Tracee giggle as he speeds to the hotel. They make it to the hotel and parks the car. They get out and he grab their overnight bag and then go to help her out. They walk hand in hand to their suite and he unlocks the door. She goes in first and gasps after he turn the light on.)

(The room was decorated so beautifully, with rose petal all over the floor and bed. She walks up to the bed and sees a box lying on the bed.)

Tracee: Malcolm when?

Malcolm: I had someone come here and added a special touch.

(She slowly walks up to him and place her hands on side of his face. She pulls him down and kisses his lips. He place his hands on the small of her back as they explore each others mouths. He pulls away before it gets to carried away.)

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