Catching up

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Daiko: So, how have you been?

Daiko (Prime): I've been good.

Daiko: How'd you train?

Daiko (Prime): I went to a different planet. The gravity was different and I used that to train. The people from there looked like me.

Daiko: Saiyan?

Daiko (Prime): That's what I thought. They called themselves "Primals" and they were pretty strong too.

Daiko: That sounds...familiar. Future me said he went to a planet like that to get revenge.

Daiko (Prime): Hm...

Sorrel: Got a new outfit I see?

Sorrel (AU): I decided to get one. Not bad though huh?

Sorrel: *looked at his outfit* Hm, yeah, it's better than being topless.

Sorrel (AU): Heh heh...yeah.

Daika: Yay! *hugs Daika Vampa* I missed you!

Daika (Vampa): *hugs back as her tail wagged* I missed me too.

Daika: *lets go of her* How's it been? How was Jakuna's training? Did you get control over that new transformation?

Daika (Vampa): *nods* I did get better at it...and her training did help me get stronger. She's like another sister to me.

Sorra (AU): Eh?

Sorra: What? Jealous?

Sorra (AU): Huh? W—No...anyways. What about you? How was Akumo's training?

Sorra (AU): ...fifth rule.

Sorra (AU): I'm sorry what?

Sorra: I can't talk about his training. I don't know why though.

Jakuna: Hm...what did you do?

Akumo: I did what I could. My methods don't need to be explained.

Jakuna: I'm literally an alternate version of you. You can tell me.

Akumo: I did what any master would do: Push them beyond their limits.

Jakuna: ...That isn't so bad. As long as you didn't over do it.

Akumo: Of course I did. It paid off.

Jakuna: Oh...

Akumo: *raises a brow* Are you growing soft for Prime and his family?

Jakuna: ...yes. And you can't even say that to me, "Akumo."

Akumo: ...I have no words for this conversation anymore. *walks away*

Jakuna: ... *smirks as she looks back at the two families* They've grown on me is all.

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