Finally Meeting

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Daiko (Xeno): ... *sighs* What's wrong with me...?


Daiko (Xeno): I have to apologize to them. What I did wasn't cool. *stands up* I've got to get some sleep.

???: I can help with that.

Daiko: *forms a blade and points it* ?!

Daiko: *forms a blade and points it* ?!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

???: ...That won't work on me. *circles around him with the strange smoke surrounding* I've heard...and seen...that you wanted to meet me...why?

Daiko (Xeno): Why? You're destroying timelines!!

???: Me? curious...I haven't touched a thing. *reveals a hand* Until now. *touches the blade as it turns to dust*

Daiko (Xeno): !! *jumps back and forms a staff*

???: ... *flicks off the dust off his fingers and hides its hand behind the cloak* Since I'm here now, speaking clearly now, is that all you wanted to do? Threaten me?

Daiko (Xeno): Threaten? No no no. With this job, I make guarantees.

???: Guarantees? You couldn't even stop Wild on your own. Why? Because you're weak, and he's strong.

Daiko (Wild): *lands in front of him* Thanks master.

Daiko (Xeno): !! *powers up and transforms into super saiyan god* You!

Daiko (Wild): Did ya miss me? I'm flattered. *forms claws* Looking forward to a second round?

Daiko (Xeno): *clenches his fists* HAA!!

Both clashed as Wild started to send slashes towards Xeno. Xeno then proceeds to dodge the slashes as he stared intensely into Wild's eyes. Wild growls as he powers up and slashes faster until Xeno grabs his wrist and slams him on the ground and sends a stomp to his gut.

Daiko (Wild): ?! *coughs out saliva until he's pulled up*

Daiko (Xeno): Not gonna work this time. *his fists are then covered in energy as he began to send a barrage of punches to his face* HAAA!!!

Xeno kept on punching and forms a crater under Wild as he kept on going and got faster and stronger with each punch. Xeno then flies up as he covers himself in energy and flies straight down on Wild as an explosion then erupts.

???: ...Hm...interesting...

Daiko (Xeno): *pants lightly as he looks down at Wild*

Daiko (Wild): *coughs up blood as he could barely breathe* Y-You...*cough* ...b-bastard...!

Daiko (Xeno): *smiles and laughs* You lose this time! *laughs* And there won't be another chance—AGHH!! *holds his right eye as he falls*

Daiko (Wild): *coughs and laughs weakily* heh heh...

Drawings and Stuff 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن