Worth it

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Daiko (Prime): Hm... *spots a cacao tree* ! *lands and climbs up the tree and grabs five pods as he waves at the farmers before he left for another ingredient* Where's...? *spots another farm that had cows* Milk. *he milks a cow and pets it after wards* Thank you. *he walked up to the farmer and gave them one of his pods and shook their hand before leaving for night*


Daika (Night): *was outside looking up at the sky* Should be here any minute now.

Daiko (Prime): *lands in front of her* Do you have it?

Daika (Night): Yes I do. *holds up a bag* Do you?

Daiko (Prime): *nods as he reaches in his bag and pulls out a cacao pod*

Daika (Night): Nice. *hands him the bag* Everything you need.

Daiko (Prime): *nods as he waves goodbye to her*

Daika (Night): Wait. You do know it takes seven days for the beans to be ready?

Daiko (Prime): Seven days? *thinks for a bit and came up with an idea* I know what to do. Bye!


Daiko (Prime): *lands on the lookout and headed to the time chamber where he cracked open a pod and laid out the beans on a tray and put it in the  fridge and waits a few minutes for seven days to go by* Hm... *reaches into the bag as he pulls out a marshmallow and eats it before taking out the beans* They're ready.

Jakuna: Hey, where the hell is Prime?

Sorrel (AU): I have no idea, but he left in the morning.

Jakuna: It's the afternoon.

Sorrel (AU): ...damn, where is Prime?

Daiko (Prime): *grinds the beans into coco powder as he heats up the milk and mixes the other ingredients together* This should be good... *pours the hot liquid into the cup and puts two marshmallows in as he roasts them* ...it's done. *lowers his mask and raises the cup to his lips to get a sip*

Jakuna: Hey!

Daiko (Prime): *stops*

Jakuna: What is that?

Daiko (Prime): ... *points to his hot chocolate in question*

Jakuna: Yes. That. *takes the cup*

Daiko (Prime): ?!

Jakuna: *inspects the drink* Hm... *sniffs before taking a sip and tastes it* Mm! What is this? *takes another sip*

Daiko (Prime): It's...hot chocolate...perfect for this time of year... *kicks some snow*

Jakuna: You don't say. *finishes it and hands him back the cup* Wow, the world suddenly looks brighter. *playfully hits his arm* Thank you Prime.

Daiko (Prime): Yeah...no problem... *lets out a dog whine as his tail drops*

Daika (Night): *sticks her arm through a portal with hot chocolate*

Daiko (Prime): Hm? *looks around before taking it and drinks it as his tail wags*

Daika (Night): *pets him before pulling her arm back in as the portal closed*

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