Chapter 2

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I swear to you I have never been more mad in my whole the bloody hell do you forget someone, how? 

Well it's clear that you can because that's what those tossers did with me. 

I decided to go on my Twitter and I wrote " Home alone..@LouisTomlinson, @NiallOfficial, @Liam_Payne, @ZaynMalik.. did you guys forget something?"

My stomach started to growl and rumble, I really wanted to eat something but if I did I would get fatter and Lou would never love me. 

Bleep bleep! My phone rang. I answered it and guess who it was....Zayn. 

"Hey mate, why didn't you come?"

"Because you guys forgot to ask if I even wanted to all just got up and left."

"Haz, we didn't have to ask, you could've just came you know that!"

"Either way Zayn it would be nice to be asked once in a while how I actually felt, where I wanted to go, if i'm happy or sad...but no everyone just expects me to be fine all the time because I am the Harry Styles, the womanizer, the player for fucks sake i'm sick of it!!!"


"S-sorry..Zayn I-I didn't mean to freak out like that it just came and have fun on the beach see you later." 

Gosh Harry why are you so fucking stupid?!! I asked myself while banging my head on the table. 

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