Chapter 10.

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When we got to the signing we sat in our chairs. It was Liam,Zayn,me,Louis, and Niall. 

Can someone just shoot me already? It so awkward..I hate it. 

As soon as it started tons of fans rushed in and said hey, and shook our hands and all that crap until this certain fan came up to Louis and gave him a balloon that said BULLSHIT. "I ship bullshit." She said. 

Louis just gave her this look like are you fucking kidding me? Then she walked over to me and smiled and she said "Don't worry he'll get off his high horse and take it back." She winked and left. 

After the signing we all went home. Louis still had the balloon and he went to the living room and so we all followed. "Hey babe, yeah come over it's fine." I hear Louis say over the phone. Great Eleanor's coming. 

I was watching t.v when the bell rang, I got up and went to go get it. It was the princess!! She rolled her eyes at me and snarled "Move out of the way curly."  Rude much. 

I went to go sit in my same spot..but I couldn't concentrate on the t.v because of Eleanor and Louis snogging each other and making stupid couple phrases. 

"Lou, why do you have that ballon?" Eleanor suddlenly asked. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot about this."

"Get rid of it babe." Eleanor feistyly said. 

"As a matter of fact I will right now.." POP! 

I heard the balloon pop, that means Lou popped it on purpose. 

"There, it's all gone just like everything that has to do with Larry." Louis commented. 

I couldn't stand it anymore so I went upstairs to my bathroom, I frantically searched for my razor and I locked the door and sat down on the floor. 

I pulled down my pants and traced my now healed scars with my index finger. I put the razor over my thigh and because to carve the word "Bullshit" on it. 

I cleaned it and then walked out of the room and put on pajama pants.

I went downstairs to see if Eleanor was still there. And unfortunately she still was. 

"Hey Harry nice of you to join us, we're watching The Notebook." Eleanor smirked. 

"Good for you guys I guess, I just came to say that I'm going to sleep."

"But Harry it's only 9:00, are you feeling ok?" Niall asked. 

"Leave him alone Ni, he's a big boy he can take of himself..unless he needs Narry to become real so he can feel some kind of sympathy." Louis harshly spoke. 

I felt the tears come and before I could stop myself I felt myself rambling words out. 

"You know what Lou stop being such an ass-hole. You don't know what i'm going through and I don't need anyone's sympathy. And if Niall wants to worry about me let him worry about me that proves that proves that he is a real friend unlike your ass. I'm sick and tired of you shit Louis I swear i'm sick of it. And tell your princess of a girlfriend to stop treating me like some dog because i'm not a fucking dog!." And with that said I ran upstairs and just cried into my pillow. 

Why does all of this happen to me..? Were did I go wrong? 

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