forty four | the impossible astronaut

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Ten months later

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Ten months later

Just ten months after she'd last seen Amy Pond, Rory Williams– or rather Rory Pond, according to what the Doctor had told her– and the Doctor, Annabelle wasn't the same calm person that she was then.

Instead, she was quite angry after losing two of her brothers because of Elena Gilbert and her loved ones in the town of Mystic Falls.

But instead of making Elena's loved ones– excluding Jeremy, who was already dead and Elena, whose humanity had been off since the night that she had burnt down her home after shutting off her humanity– that much more terrified of Annabelle before inevitably killing them, Annabelle simply went around the town of Mystic Falls and killed anyone she could in an attempt to release at least a little bit of the anger that had worsened inside of her with each passing second that her twin brother remained dead, while also waiting for the coven of witches that she'd allied herself with to follow through on their deal and make Elena and her loved ones pay in a way that they wouldn't realize until at least another twelve months had gone by.

And while she waited for that blessed day to come, Annabelle found herself standing inside of the very same room as Caroline Forbes and Klaus Mikaelson– both of whom were only in the room because of the fact that Silas had apparently shoved a white oak stake deep into Klaus's back and broke it off, leaving the tip of it to remain in his back and to brush against his heart.

And because of just how rare it was to see Klaus in actual excruciating pain, Annabelle only chuckled to herself with her arms crossed over her chest and her head tilted to the side, while Klaus continued to scratch at his own back in an attempt to try and get the broken off stake out of his back.

And while Annabelle only continued to chuckle to herself and Caroline simply typed away on her phone, Klaus let out a groan before he said to Caroline, "I can feel the splinters moving towards my heart. Help me!"

In turn, Caroline said to him, "Your word first."

Klaus asked her, "And what makes you think I won't simply break my word?"

After she turned to look over at him, Caroline asked with a mere raise of her eyebrows, "You want to be friends? Friendship– stage one. Show me that I can trust you."

Klaus told her, "I saved your life... twice."

Caroline replied, "Because you put it in danger... twice. Why can't you just do something decent for once?"

With a smirk on her face, Annabelle said, "Maybe because he's not a decent person."

While Caroline merely glanced over at Annabelle, Klaus said to Caroline, "Because Tyler Lockwood tried to kill me."

As she stood from the couch, Caroline told him, "We've all tried to kill you. And you've tried to kill most of us. How do you think that you deserve any friendship when you've done nothing to earn it?"

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