chapter five

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It's a Saturday morning, breakfast is already served but only Yeosin and Ji-hun are awake, but an hour late four of the boys make their way down stairs, leaving them shocked to see Yeosin having breakfast at the dinning table...

"You are home?" Yoongi say looking at Yeosin with a surprised face...

"Good morning to you too.." she greets without even looking at them...

"Where is our brother? What did you do to him?" Jimin asks in a demanding tone....

Yeosin snaps her head up at the tone of voice Jimin used towards her and raising an eyebrow, while Ji-hun starts chocking on his food and hitting his chest..

"Watch your tone with me.." With an emotionless face "And your brother is in his room sleeping, after what happened yesterday he needs to rest."

Before she could alter another word the four boys take of running to Jungkook's room, literally not giving a damn that Yeosin was still talking to them, but she just kept looking at them with a what the fuck look on her face...

The fact that Yeosin did not do anything to the boys, shockes everybody in the room, because that is not the Yeosin they know...

Because the Yeosin they know would have yelled at the disrespect and would have gotten them floged with a wip..

"Miracles are suddenly happening in this house.." Ji-hun mumbles, and Yeosin only gives him a side eye..

Jungkook's room

Jungkook is in his room laying down on the bed, but it seems like he has not woken up yet....

Suddenly the door to his room barged open revealing six man who happen to be his brothers running to his bed side with their widely open eyes....

"Jungkook what happened to you, why do you have so many bruises on you body?"

Seokjin trys to ask his brother, but does not get any response from him, he trys shacking the young boy but nothing happens, which only worries the others in the room...

"Why is he not waking up??

"Did they do something to him, why is he not waking up???" Namjoon asks with worried eyes..

"If they did, they are going to regret it.." Taehyung says as he runs out of the room..

The boys run back down stairs with worried faces and anger on their faces, standing infront of Yeosin who is busy eating her breakfast with no worry or care in the world....

"What did you do to my brother?" Taehyung questions Yeosin....

But Yeosin only kept eating her food looking down, not exposing her face and it's expression, and Ji-hun only smirks and looks at them like they are his soon prays..

And only the servents know what is going through their minds right now, and it's angry and right now even with Ji-hun's smirk only they know the tornado building inside of them....

"Are you deaf.. he asked you a question.." Seokjin lets out looking at the two siblings, in a calm stern and dominant voices making everyone look at him.. "or are you pretending here?"

And this time Ji-hun does not take it lightly, slamming his fist on the table, shuting the whole room up, only silence filled the room now, but the stern look on Seokjin's face did not change, as he continues to glare..

"Shut the fuck up.." Ji-hun says.." You do not talk to me like that, you can do it with her but not me, understand."

"I just asked a question, what's wrong with that?"

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