chapter eight

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Yeosin is still in her sleep, feeling her back ache she starts to move for a more comfortable position on her bed mattress, but it only cause her to wake up....

Slowly bringing her hands to rub her face, only to be met with a hard wet substance now on her face and hand....

Slowly bringing her hands into view only for her eyes to widen in horror....

"Is that mud...."

"How the fuck I get mud on my face???" Her face in total confusion....

Jumping off her bed and running to her bedroom mirror to take a clear look at her now muddy face, slowly her face turn from confused to anger nice....

"Who dare do this to me in my own room...." Looking down at her muddy hands "nobody is allowed to enter my room, this house is going to turn upside-down...."

Yeosin moves her head up looking into the mirror or maybe into the reflection of he brown eyes which have now turn dark out of anger.....

Yeosin quickly turns to open her bedroom door only to be welcome by a bucket of water falling on her head from above her bedroom door.....

Who ever placed it there did a good job....

Shock wave were send down her body by the cold and muddy water that just landed on her head, anyone in her position would have definitely screamed, but it seems not this girl...

Yeosin keeps standing in the same position for awhile, trying not burst out in anger but it's too late, and she knows who is capable of doing this, and they are going to regret it, dearly....

Yeosin's hands are all balled up into tight fists, her mouth shacking, don't know if she is cold or angry right now....

She takes in only deep breath, and moves her head up to look at the emty corridor....

"I'm going to kill those seven brats....."

Yeosin starts walking down stairs falming with anger and to be brought back to reality when she trips over something on top of the staircase and falls, stabling down and hit her body hard on the ground.....

Groaning in pain she manages to pick herself up..., Looking down at herself and could see how her knees are now brusided and bleeding and blood starts falling down her face, clearly she has been injured really bad, but still on her feet WOW....

With no care to her wounds, Yeosin starts looking for the seven boys, but no sign of the at all in the living room, so she diverts her attention to the kitchen.....

With no time to wast she jogs to the kitchen, completely ignoring the pain in her body...

Her jog comes to a hult when her eyes comes into contact with the boys who are busy standing at the kitchen counter with three buckets in hand....

"Hi sis....." Yoongi greets with a mischievous smile all plastered on his face....

"I'm not your sister.." she starts viewing the boys from head to toe and the buckets clearly noticeable....

"What is this bullshit???" Eyeing the buckets...

"A gift....." Hoseok chuckles

"For our step sister...." Namjoon completes.

"Don't you dare ok, you are going to regret it...."

With no hesitation Yoongi throws water, Hoseok throws a bucket of eggs and Jimin throws flour at Yeosin at the same time...

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