chapter twelve

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It has been two weeks seens Yoongi was admitted to the hospital and today he got discharged and back home....

It's evening and everybody is sitting at the dinning table Ji Hong and Yeosin in their usual places at the table, nobody is saying anything as nobody has not started eating yet as they wait for Yoongi to come downstairs with the help of Ji Hong, who seems to be taking his time....

It has been about eight minutes and Yeosin seems to be losing her cool as it is already eight past three minutes, and she hates it when she does not have dinner on time, and Ji Hong and Yoongi are still not done yet...


Haneul is brought back to reality when she hears Yeosin's stern voice...

"Me??" She asks with a little confused face...

"Yes you, does your son have broken bones or something???" She asks with an annoying face...

"No, he...."

Before she could continue she gets cut off by Yeosin.. "then why are they taking so long as if Mr Ji Hong is carrying him.."

"I don't know I will go and take a look..."

"You better..."

Yeosin scoffs, but before Haneul could stand up Ji Hong and Yoongi finally come down, Ji Hong is holding Yoongi's hand with one hand and the other is around his waist as Yoongi is still weak from the surgery and the medication he has been taking...

He settles Yoongi on the dinner table and walks to him chair...

"Let's eat..."

He says before everyone starts munching down their food, and the whole time they it is silence until Ji Hong speaks...


He speaks earning everyone's attention and the tension in the room just seems to have sky rocketed as Yeosin keeps staring at her father while he eats his food and the other family members keep shift their eyes between the father and daughter...

"I have decided something" he says and finally looks up and looks at Yeosin and suddenly a wide smirk appears on his face...

Just form the facial expressions on her father's face, Yeosin's eyes grow wide and starts shaking her head at him but he keeps on smirk, which confuses the other family members at the table...

"No, you can't do that to me..." She says dropping her spoon...

"I just did...."

"Mr Hong Ji Hong, you can't..."

Yeosin's face as gone pale and her hands crunched into a fist looking at her father with wide eyes....

"I will need your car keys after dinner..."

"Father don't..."

Ji Hong's heart jolts when he heard Yeosin call him father after almost three months but he manages to hid his sudden smile...

The table because silent and Yeosin is still looking at her father hoping for him to change his decision of taking her car keys...

"Dad..." She lets out again which causes Ji Hong to look down as he tries hard to not smile at Yeosin sudden words....

"Yi.., I'm well aware of you little manipulation game and it's not going to work on me..."

Ji Hong trys to stand up but stops when Yeosin says...


Ji Hong freezes in time as his blood rushes to his face painting his cheeks bright pink and quickly sits down and puts his hands infront of his face as he looks down, confusing everyone along with the house helpers, but for Yeosin she only smirks as she looks at her flustered father...

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