chapter nine

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A week later,  everybody walks up, silence was all the children have each other....

After breakfast, Seokjin and his other brothers go to school while Yoongi goes to the hospital to stay with Namjoon and Yeosin drives off to school as well....

The first bell of school rings and everybody runs to their class, Yeosin is already in class before anyone, everyone enters the class taking their seats. Just as the teacher enters he spots that one student who has not attended class for the past one week....

"Kim Seokjin....." He calls, earning the students attention and Seokjin stands up....

"Yes ma'am...."

"Where have you been for the one past week???"

Seokjin glares at Yeosin, but she just smirks at his condition, knowing very well that today this boy is going to get detention for sure..

"I asked you a question kim Seokjin...."

"Ma'am, well I....we.... I...." He stammers.....

"Seokjin you are new here and you are already failing to attend classes, what if I tell this to your parents especially you father...." She threatens....

"I'm sorry ma'am, it will never happen again I swear...."

"I hope so...., take your seat...."

"Thank you ma'am..." He gives her a bow before sitting back down....

"And yes seokjin you have detention today after school for three hours...."

"But ma'am....."

She cuts him off... "No excuses, Seokjin....."

Seokjin looks down at his note book, angry and furstration he looks at Yeosin who just winks at him, make him more angry..

The few lessons go well and lucky Yeosin has not beaten anybody yet....

It's launch time and Yeosin is busy walking back to her office with her food in hand, when suddenly someone pushes her as she loses balance, falling down on the floor along with her food which fall all over her clothes..

"What the fuck.." she says under her breath as she looks at herself and the food all over her..

The loud sound attractes the students in the hallway and the cafeteria and Yeosin finally looks up at the person that dare to touch her and now she was faced with three girls, dressed like some rookie bad girls, but they messed with the wrong person today...

Slowly Yeosin gets to her feet and examines the girls from head to toe, this freaks can't be part of her school, nobody in her school dresses like this, like some lost ghost from a century old cemetery, black clothes, black make up especially the lipstick, what the fuck is this...

"How dare you bitch..." One of the girls starts speaking... "How dare you touch our sister, you bitch..."


Before Yeosin could say anything else the girl slaps her, hard that her lip starts bleeding, Yeosin was not in the mood today but still stayed calm, she wappes the blood from her lips with her thumb and looks at the girls..

"Who is your sister again?" She questions in a low deep voice as her eyes throw daggers at the three girls..

One of the girls scoffs.. "are you joking?"

"Do I look like I'm joking??" She the blood away.. "I asked again who is your sister?"

"Kim Jisoo, that's her name.."

"Oh that pretty girl.." remove her black coat.. "how is she by the way, I never saw her since that day she provocted me.."

Yeosin throws her coat to one of the students watching a gives him a smile.. "keep it.." she says and the boy just widen his eyes at the caot in his hands, looking completely like a fanboy..

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